General Messaging about Conference
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The world is in danger of missing Sustainable Development Goal 2 #SDG2—reaching #ZeroHunger by 2030. To get there we must invest in the policies, interventions, and innovations that will accelerate progress by overcoming barriers and transforming food systems. Accelerating the End of Hunger and Malnutrition conference, co-organized by @FAO and @IFPRI in Bangkok Nov. 28-30, will enable this acceleration by gathering stakeholders from across the global food system to discuss their experiences and the latest evidence on #AcceleratingZeroHunger. Learn more about the conference here: http://bit.ly/ifprifaobangkok
The now growing number of families, women, and children living in hunger can be lessened, but we need to accelerate with interventions that integrate multisectoral approaches leveraging the linkages between agriculture and nutrition, the multiplying effect of empowering women, and the power of behavior change communications. Join us at the Accelerating the End of Hunger and Malnutrition conference in #Bangkok Nov. 28-30, co-organized by @IFPRI and @FAO as experts from fields of policy, research, and civil society focus on how to face the challenges and define the needs for #AcceleratingZeroHunger: http://bit.ly/ifprifaobangkok
The Accelerating the End of Hunger and Malnutrition conference in Bangkok Nov. 28-30, co-organized by @FAO & @IFPRI, convenes key stakeholders from across the global #foodsystem to identify and discuss the latest scientific evidence and policy innovations to bypass, reduce, and eliminate the barriers to achieve the end of hunger and malnutrition. These accelerators have the potential to create transformative opportunities for reducing hunger and malnutrition quickly and sustainably. We hope to see you later this month! #AcceleratingZeroHunger http://bit.ly/ifprifaobangkok
Innovations like biofortification, which improves the nutrient value of staple crops, are making rapid progress in reducing hunger and malnutrition more possible and scalable than ever. @IFPRI & @FAO are partnering to convene global leaders, researchers, and local actors in Bangkok, Nov. 28-30 to focus on accelerators to improve food systems and catalyze progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 2 #SDG2: http://bit.ly/ifprifaobangkok #AcceleratingZeroHunger
Press Inquiries
Drew Sample
Email: d.sample@cgiar.org
Phone: +1.202.549.5920
General Messaging about Conference
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@FAO & @IFPRI are gathering leaders in policy, research, & civil society at the #AcceleratingZeroHunger conference in Bangkok Nov. 28-30 to discuss priorities & strategies for investments to eliminate hunger and all forms of malnutrition, faster: http://bit.ly/ifprifaobangkok
Accelerators – policies, interventions & innovations – can overcome the barriers to progress in #endinghunger and #malnutrition. Join @IFPRI & @FAO as we focus on meeting the challenges of #AcceleratingZeroHunger at our conference in #Bangkok Nov. 28-30: http://bit.ly/ifprifaobangkok
Several developing countries have experienced transformative reductions in hunger & malnutrition. @IFPRI & @FAO are partnering to multiply these effective policies, reforms & innovations in #Bangkok, Nov. 28-30 to define the needs of #AcceleratingZeroHunger: http://bit.ly/ifprifaobangkok
Reaching #zerohunger calls for accelerating the progress we’ve made so far. Efforts to accelerate progress toward global food security & good nutrition must be inclusive, environmentally sustainable & based on multi-sectoral partnerships. The #AcceratingZeroHunger initiative from @IFPRI & @FAO gives stakeholders the opportunity to share their experiences and learn from innovators: http://bit.ly/ifprifaobangkok
Innovations like biofortification, which improves the nutrient value of staple crops, are making rapid progress in reducing hunger and malnutrition more possible and scalable than ever. @IFPRI & @FAO are partnering to convene global leaders, researchers, and local actors in Bangkok, Nov. 28-30 to focus on accelerators to improve food systems and catalyze progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 2 #SDG2: http://bit.ly/ifprifaobangkok #AcceleratingZeroHunger
Side Event Amplification
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Keep an eye out for our side event at the @IFPRI and @FAO global conference on accelerating progress to end hunger and malnutrition. Three exciting days, discussing aspects of #AcceleratingZeroHunger such as the future sustainability of food systems, the accountability of policies and institutions in accelerating growth and development, the approaches to humanitarian assistance to improve food security, and the use of data visualization tools to empower decision-makers to accelerate programs. More on our event and all the others here: http://bit.ly/2Tl78ba
Side Event Amplification
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Explore the fascinating side events during the three days of our #AcceleratingZeroHunger conference in #Bangkok with @IFPRI & @FAO. Research & policy experts will explore specific aspects of #endinghunger and #malnutrition. Keep an eye out! http://bit.ly/2Tl78ba
Keep an eye out for our side event at the @IFPRI and @FAO global conference on #AcceleratingZeroHunger. Sharing key insights on how to speed up progress towards #zerohunger with decisionmakers, researchers, and practitioners: http://bit.ly/2Tl78ba