Side Events
Day One (Wednesday, Nov 28, 2018) Side Events
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel
SESSION 1: 8:30–10:00
1A. Enabling the business environment for healthy and sustainable food
- Shenggen Fan, Director General, IFPRI
- Gerda Verburg, Assistant Secretary-General and Coordinator, SUN Movement
- Rob Vos, Division Director, MTID, IFPRI
David Nabarro, Curator, Food Systems Dialogue
- Marcos Jank, Asia-Brazil Agro Alliance
- Oluwatoyin Onigbanjo, August Secrets (Nigeria)
- Elia Timotheo, East Africa Fruits Co. (Tanzania)
- Nathan Belete, World Bank
- Atze Schaap, FrieslandCampina (Netherlands)
- Ichiro Nishikura, Ajinomoto (Japan)
- Chance Kabaghe, IAPRI (Zambia)
- Uduak Igbeka, SUN Business Network (Nigeria)
- Yannick Foing, DSM (Netherlands)
- Taylor Quinn, Just, Inc. (USA)
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Food supply systems have changed dramatically over the past half century, with enormous advancements in improving food distribution systems, food processing technologies, and delivery of food services. The private sector - both national and multinational businesses and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the midstream of food chains (distribution, handling, processing, services) - has a critical role to play in shifting food systems to healthier and more sustainable outcomes, particularly as food systems become more modernized and globalized. In order to encourage public-private partnership and private sector participation in this important endeavor, IFPRI is partnering with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the Scaling Up Nutrition Network (SBN) to hold a roundtable event focusing on the private sector’s role in providing and promoting healthy, sustainable food systems.
2. Future Food Systems: How Might They Be Healthier and More Sustainable?
- John McDermott, A4NH
- Jessica Bogard, CSIRO
- Ruerd Ruben, WUR
- Daniel Mason-D’Croz, CSIRO
- Stef de Haan, CIAT
- Fiona Lynn, DFAT
- Phuong Hong Nguyen, IFPRI
- Paul Teng, Nanyang Technological University
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Food systems in low and middle-income countries are changing rapidly, presenting lessons to learn and opportunities to explore. This conversation will examine current food systems thinking, including research describing drivers of dynamic change such as urbanization, incomes, markets, and environment. Technical, market, government, and nutrition experts in urban and national food systems will explore current and future food system innovations, and audience members will be invited to share interventions. Perspectives from countries including Bangladesh, Vietnam, Nigeria, and Ethiopia, as well as voices from elsewhere in Asia, Africa, and Australia, will spur a practical, solution-oriented discussion on tradeoffs, synergies, and opportunities for partnership.
3. Linking policy, institutions and mutual accountability to accelerate sustainable growth and development to reduce hunger and malnutrition
Suresh Babu, Senior Research Fellow and Head of Capacity Strengthening, IFPRI
Nokuthula Vilakazi, Programme Coordinator: Early Career Research Leader Fellowship Programme, Futures Africa, University of Pretoria
- Elizabeth Mkandawire, Research Assistant at the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being, University of Pretoria
- Moraka Makhura, Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, University of Pretoria
- Nosipho Mabuza, Research Assistant at the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being, University of Pretoria
Nic Olivier, Emeritus Professor and Associate of the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being, University of Pretoria and Extraordinary Professor, North West University Speaker Biographies (PDF 123K) Concept Note (PDF 245K) Flyer (PDF 205K)
African countries have made great strides in economic and agricultural development, but this has not led to fast enough reductions in hunger and malnutrition. The coordination of development efforts is necessary to accelerate progress. The policy landscapes, institutional coordination structures and monitoring and evaluation frameworks of 11 African national agriculture and food security and nutrition investment plans (NAIPs) were assessed to determine if these can support or constrain progress. Presenters will share key lessons learnt, insights, innovations and recommendations for policy change, institutions and mutual accountability systems to accelerate the progress on reducing hunger and malnutrition in developing countries.
4. Third Progress Report on the Commission's Action Plan on Nutrition
- Madeleine Onclin, European Commission
- Abi Masefield, The European Commission’s Nutrition Advisory Service
- Carl Lachat, Ghent University
- Farah Abou Merhi, The European Commission’s Nutrition Advisory Service
Speaker Biographies (PDF 535K) | Download Infographic (PDF 2MB) | Session Presentation
Since 2016, the Commission has been producing annual progress reports on the implementation of its Action Plan on Nutrition, as demonstrations of the Commission’s accountability for its performance in relation to tackling undernutrition. This third progress report presents highlights of operational developments in the European Union’s external assistance concerned with nutrition and provides updates on progress towards its two commitments in nutrition:
- to support partner countries in reducing the number of stunted children under the age of five by at least 7 million by 2025,
- to ensure the allocation of EUR 3.5 billion between 2014 and 2020 to improve nutrition in developing countries.
SESSION 2: 10:15–11:45
1B. Enabling the business environment for healthy and sustainable food
Contact person(s): Sara Gustafson, IFPRI
#Room: President 1&2
5. Scaling up Solutions on Food & Nutrition Security at Sub-National Level through Evidence-Based Advocacy
Contact person(s): Eelco Baan, SNV
#Room: Pinnacle 1-3
Presenters and panel members
- Gerda Verburg, Coordinator, Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)
- Daniel Asher, Program Coordinator, Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS)
- Eugene Rwibasira, Executive Secretary, Rwanda Development Organisation (RDO)
- Chairul Mahsul, Second Assistant NTB Province, Government of Indonesia
- Doddy Izwardy, Director of Community Nutrition, Directorate General of Public Health, Indonesia Ministry of Health
- Mary Njuguna Kimwadu, Kenya Program Manager Voice 4 Change Partnership, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)
- Chandavone Phoxay, Director, National Nutrition Centre Laos
- James Warner, Research Coordinator, International Food and Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Allert van den Ham, Country Director Laos & Myanmar (SNV)
- Eelco Baan, Global Coordinator for Sustainable Markets (SNV)
Speaker Biographies (PDF 1.2MB)
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As reflected in the SDGs, Compact 2025, the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, globally there is international commitment and political will to accelerate the end of hunger and malnutrition. Linking international policies to national and sub-national level implementation requires concerted advocacy efforts and evidence to improve the enabling environment so that implementation is exceeded to scale. In this side event we will identify lessons learned from some innovative approaches and mechanisms building on experiences and case studies from SUN, SNV and IFPRI in Indonesia, Kenya, Laos and Rwanda. This will include the use of evidence and advocacy by Civil Society Organisations, the power of cross-sector collaboration and coordination at sub-national level and effective accountability mechanisms.
6. Strengthening nutrition data systems in South Asia: Finding the right fit for decision-making
Contact person(s): Purnima Menon, IFPRI and Zivai Murira, UNICEF
#Room: Pinnacle 4-6
- Purnima Menon, IFPRI
- Zivai Murira, UNICEF
- Ruhul Amin Talukder, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh
- Alok Kumar, Advisor, Health & Nutrition, NITI Aayog, Government of India
- Ellen Piwoz, Senior Program Officer, Nutrition Division, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
As countries accelerate actions against malnutrition in all its forms, there is increasing awareness on the need for appropriate data to enable effective decision-making. Stakeholders are aware that systems must track the reach of interventions, shifts in drivers of malnutrition and ultimately, in nutrition outcomes. In a context of multiple data sources and multiple data users, however, challenges lie in understanding what data are needed, for what actions, how often, and by which stakeholders. In South Asia, recent experiences with nutrition information systems have highlighted that although policymakers are sensitized to this need for data to inform decisions, there is a great need to find the right fit between what is available versus what is truly needed to strengthen policy decisions, especially in a context of multiple forms of malnutrition. Our panel will feature examples of nutrition data and decision systems and highlight the critical need to find the right data fit.
7. The Impacts of Social Safety Net and Integrated Nutrition Programs
Contact person(s): Adam Kennedy, IFPRI
#Room: Ballroom 2
- Paul Dorosh- Director, Development Strategy and Governance Division, IFPRI
- Akhter Ahmed- Senior Research Fellow, Poverty Health and Nutrition Division, IFPRI-Bangladesh
- Jef Leroy- Senior Research Fellow, Poverty Health and Nutrition Division, IFPRI
- Sikandra Kurdi- Associate Research Fellow, Development Strategy and Governance Division, IFPRI-Cairo
- Dan Gilligan- Deputy Division Director, Poverty Health and Nutrition Division, IFPRI
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This session, organized by the Regional Knowledge and Support System for Asia (ReSAKSS-Asia), will present impact assessments evaluating three social safety net and integrated nutrition programs from Guatemala, Egypt and Bangladesh. It will review the modalities of the programs, including their transfer mechanisms and the conditionalities and/or behavioral change components as well as the methodology used to evaluate them. It will discuss the impacts on beneficiaries with particular attention to outcomes related to health and nutrition and discuss what mechanisms of the program were most successful at achieving impact. A question and answer period will follow and a short synthesis will conclude.
SESSION 3: 12:00–13:30
8. National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NIPN): Strategic opportunities and Institutional challenges
Contact person(s): Marti J. van Liere, Agropolis International, NIPN-Global Support Facility
#Room: Pinnacle 1-3
- Marti J. van Liere, Team Lead of the NIPN Global Support Facility
- Madeleine Onclin, Head of Nutrition, Rural Development, Food Security and Nutrition Unit, DG International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
- Sitthiroth Rasphone, Acting Director General, Centre for Development Policy Research, Ministry of Planning and Investment of the Lao Popular Democratic Republic
- Tsigereda Kifle Wolde, Deputy Director General, Ethiopian Public Health Institute
- David Pelletier, Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell Institute for Public Affairs, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University
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NIPN proposes a country-owned approach to:
- Formulate relevant and answerable nutrition policy questions;
- Answer these questions by analyzing data at subnational level regarding multi-sectoral nutrition indicators of outcomes, determinants, interventions and investments;
- Feed the findings into a national policy dialogue that informs decision-taking on nutrition-driven policies, programs and investments.
A multi-sectoral nutrition policy dialogue is required to achieve these three steps, involving policy decision-makers as well as data analysts.
The focus of this panel is to identify the strategic opportunities and institutional challenges of using national and subnational data to inform crucial multi-sectoral nutrition policy, program and budget decisions.
9. Assessing food systems for better nutrition: Towards the preparation of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines
Contact person(s): Stineke Oenema, UNSCN
#Room: Pinnacle 4-6
Stineke Oenema, UNSCN Coordinator
- Jessica Fanzo, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Emorn Udomkesmalee, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand
- Liliane Ortega, Alternate Permanent Representative of Switzerland to FAO, IFAD and WFP, Chair of the CFS Open-Ended Working Group on Nutrition
- Biplabi Shrestha, Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
- Kittiporn Phanvijhitsiri, PepsiCo
Speaker Biographies (PDF 204K)
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Knowing where you are is important in order to know where you are heading at. Assessing (local) food systems to know their impact on nutrition, helps developing policies that transform food system for better nutrition. The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has decided to develop Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition which are meant to offer recommendations to shape sustainable food systems for healthy diets, countering policy fragmentation and in consideration of the different typologies of food systems (see terms of reference of the process). The objective of this side event is to collect initial ideas for the Voluntary Guidelines. Panelist in this event will provide more in-depth views about food systems and assessing impact on nutrition. Participants are challenged to bring insights from their contexts and experiences.
10. Hunger Is on the Rise Again: The Role of Information
Contact person(s): Summer Allen, IFPRI
#Room: President 1&2
Rob Vos, Division Director (Markets, Trade and Institutions Division, IFPRI)
- Djimé Adoum, Executive Secretary, Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), Burkina Faso
- Susan Bird, Senior Regional Livelihoods Officer, UNHCR, Bangkok
- Sisay Sinamo, Senior Program Manager, Seqota Declaration, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia
- Siemon Hollema, Senior Regional Programme and Policy Advisor, WFP, Bangkok
- Luca Russo, Senior Strategic Advisor for Resilience, FAO, Italy
- Hamidou Traore, Executive Director of the Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA), Burkina Faso
Speaker Biographies (PDF 17K)
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In light of continued and worsening humanitarian situations around the world, IFPRI’s Food Security Portal (funded by the European Commission) and the Food Security Information Network (FSIN) will present a policy dialogue on the topic of food crises and early warning systems, with an emphasis on South-South learning. The event will build on the findings of FSIN’s 2018 Global Report on Food Crises to accelerate progress on improving global and regional food security early warning and early action systems. The dialogue will focus on how to accurately identify and monitor the drivers of food crises, how to improve early warning and early action systems, and how to align humanitarian and long-term development responses.
SESSION 4: 16:30–18:00
11. Accelerating Progress through Implementation Science: The Knowledge for Implementation and Impact Initiative (KI3)
Contact person(s): David Pelletier, Cornell University
#Room: Pinnacle 4-6
- Sergio Cooper Teixeira (SUN Movement Secretariat (SMS)
- David Pelletier (The Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition (SISN))
- Isabelle Michaud-Létourneau (SISN)
- Roos Verstraeten (International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Stuart Gillespie (IFPRI)
- Holly Dente Sedutto (REACH)
- David Pelletier (SISN)
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KI3 aims to accelerate progress in reducing malnutrition by strengthening access to and utilization of existing implementation knowledge and experience, and by generating support and funding for practical and impactful implementation research at country and program levels. This side event introduces KI3’s five strategies and generates strategy-specific roundtable discussions with stakeholders on ways to move them forward. Attendees will learn about and contribute suggestions for: creating and/or strengthening global and national networks for implementation knowledge; knowledge brokering, which helps make scientific and contextual information more accessible to implementers and policy makers; creating country-specific tools to strengthen implementation of nutrition actions; and building capacity, support and funding for impactful research on implementation.
12. Engaging Food System Actors for Nutrition at the Country Level: A New Approach in Rwanda
Contact person(s): Dan Irvine, World Vision International and Peiman Milani, Sight and Life
#Room: Pinnacle 1-3
- Dan Irvine, Senior Director for health and Nutrition, World Vision International
- Peiman Milani, Global Lead for Public-Private Partnerships, Sight and Life
- Alex Sanderson, Program Director, Kumwe Harvest
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The global food systems of tomorrow need to nourish 9 billion people, while protecting our planet. The CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems provide an accountability framework for these systems. However, it is at country level that actors must engage, and be supported, in this critical work. This event highlights two Rwandan innovations contributing to that vision: a lean maize sourcing model that significantly improves food safety and farmer incomes, and a national cross-sector platform to improve food system alignment with societal needs. Participants will have opportunity to provide feedback into the evolving stakeholder engagement modeling.
13. Optima Nutrition: A new tool for optimizing investments in nutrition
Contact person(s): Meera Shekar, World Bank Group
#Room: President 1&2
- Meera Shekar, Global Lead for Nutrition, World Bank Group (Presentation)
- Ellen Piwoz, Senior Program Officer, Nutrition Division, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Presentation)
- Md. M. Islam Bulbul, Deputy Program Manager, National Nutrition Services and technical support to SUN Focal point, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of Bangladesh
- Francesco Branca, Director, Department of Nutrition for Health and Development, World Health Organization
- Abigail Perry, Senior Nutrition Advisor, DFID
Speaker Biographies (PDF 106K)
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Limited investments in scaling up cost-effective nutrition interventions significantly impedes progress on reducing malnutrition globally. Optima Nutrition is an allocative efficiency modeling tool that provides practical guidance for achieving SDG and World Health Assembly nutrition goals, including stunting, wasting, exclusive breastfeeding, and anemia. The tool allows the user to 1) estimate the impact of scaling up nutrition interventions; 2) calculate scale up costs under different financing and delivery assumptions; and 3) calculate the most effective allocation of resources nationally and across different geographic regions in a country. Optima Nutrition example from Tanzania and other countries will be discussed.
Side Event
Side events will take place concurrently with the global event, and will feature new research and program initiatives, tools, methodologies, and approaches to accelerate the end of hunger and malnutrition.

Race to 2030
Day Two (Thursday, Nov 29, 2018) Side Events
Venue: Centara Grand at Central World
SESSION 5: 7:30–8:30
14. Improving Approaches to Humanitarian Assistance to Improve Food Security in Fragile Settings
Contact person(s): Dan Gilligan, IFPRI and Angeline Munzara and Thuli Chapa, World Vision
#Room: World Ballroom A
- Angeline Munzara, World Vision (Presentation)
- Thuli Chapa, World Vision
- Dan Gilligan, IFPRI
Speaker Biographies (PDF 402K)
Conflict and climate change in fragile settings have led to protracted crises, forcing populations into refugee and internally displaced people’s camps and disrupting local economies. This panel session, co-hosted by IFPRI and World Vision, will present evidence on the effects of these crises on the nutritional status and wellbeing of local populations and will introduce a new collaboration between these institutions to test strategies to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance. Presenters will include Daniel Gilligan (IFPRI/PIM), Angeline Munzara (World Vision) and Thuli Chapa (World Vision). The discussion will seek audience feedback on this promising agenda for collaboration.
15. Vietnam-Japan collaboration for Nutrition System Establishment: Evolution in Asia toward N4G Summit in Tokyo 2020
Contact person(s): Kei Kuriwaki, The Ajinomoto Foundation
#Room: M4
*Special breakfast will be served for the attendants by the sponsorship of RESULTS Japan.
- Hideya Yamada, Vice President for Food, Agriculture and Nutrition, JICA
- Manabu Sumi, Director of Global Health Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
- Huy Nguyen Do, National Institute of Nutrition of Vietnam
- Kei Kuriwaki, The Ajinomoto Foundation
- Teiji Namakura, Chairman of Japan Dietitians Association (JDA)
- Emorn Udomkesmalee, Mahidol University & IFPRI
- Ichiro Aisawa, MP of Japan and Vice Chairman of Parliamentarians for Global Maternal Nutrition Improvement
Concept Note (PDF 213K)
This is an ongoing story of creating system aimed to make accurate nutrition knowledge understood and put into practice of people in Vietnam. Under the name of “VINEP” (Vietnam Nutrition-system Establishment Project), NIN Vietnam and Japanese counterparts has been collaborating since 2011. While introducing its milestones, global collaborators will discuss how should we proceed further for national and global nutrition system improvement and perspectives toward N4G Summit in Tokyo 2020.
16. Building Partnerships to Promote a Healthy Asia
Contact person(s): Sabeera Ali, ARoFIIN
#Room: M1&2
- Visith Chavasit, ARoFIIN Country Committee Representative (Thailand) and Professor, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University
- Diandra Pratami, Government Partnerships Officer, World Food Programme
- Steven Bartholomeusz, Policy Director, Food Industry Asia
- Chanida Pachotikarn, President, Thai Dietetic Association
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Asia is facing a growing burden of malnutrition, increasing obesity rates, staggering prevalence of undernutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies in both rural and urban communities, despite significant economic growth in the region. While these lifestyle diseases are influenced by a variety of factors, a multi-faceted approach is needed to change health behaviours of the population.
As policy pressures are mounting to drive health and wellness in Asia, multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, are imperative to develop localised solutions for these health challenges. This would enable a positive change in consumer behaviour at a quicker rate through the scaling up of intervention programmes and expanding community outreach.
This roundtable discussion seeks to showcase the importance of working collectively to implement country-level initiatives in response to the growing health challenges, encouraging healthier lifestyles in the community; beginning with young children who are “tomorrow’s agents for change.”
17. Launch of the report “All Hands on Deck: Reducing Stunting trough Multisectoral Efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa”
Contact person(s): Emmanuel Skoufias, The World Bank
#Room: World Ballroom C
Session Chair
Dr. Purnima Menon (Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI)
Dr. Emmanuel Skoufias (Lead Economist, The World Bank)
- Elan Satriawan (Head of Policy Working Group TNP2K, Office of the Vice President, Republic of Indonesia)
- Harold Alderman (Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI, USA)
The report “All Hands on Deck: Reducing Stunting through Multisectoral Efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa” lays the groundwork for more effective multisectoral action on reducing stunting by analyzing and generating empirical evidence useful for informing the joint targeting and, if necessary, the sequencing of sector-specific interventions in countries in SSA. The session will consist of short presentation of the main messages of the report (15 min), discussion based on the report’s findings among two distinguished panel members (25 min), and Q&A from the audience (20 min).
SESSION 6: 13:00–14:30
18. Shining a Light on Transformative Action: Regional Perspectives
Contact person(s): Amy Cox, Development Initiatives
#Room: World Ballroom C
Opening address
Hideya Yamada, Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Dr Emorn Udomkesmalee, Senior Advisor, Institute of Nutrition. Mahidol University & Co-Chair of the 2018 Global Nutrition Report
- Professor Joyce Kinabo, Professor (Human Nutrition), Fellow International Union of Nutritional Sciences (FIUNS), Sokoine University of Agriculture
- Brave Ndisale, Director/Strategic Programme Leader, Food Security and Nutrition (FAO)
- Rina Agustina, Chair of Human Nutrition Research Centre of the Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute
- Senator Guido Girardi (Chile)
Speaker Biographies (PDF 54K)
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The Global Nutrition Report is the world’s foremost publication on the status of malnutrition around the world. It acts as a stock-take on the world’s nutrition – globally, regionally and country by country – and on efforts to improve it. It tracks progress on global nutrition targets, ranging from diet-related non-communicable diseases to maternal, infant and young child nutrition.
The 2018 Report reviews existing processes, highlights progress in combating malnutrition, identifies challenges and proposes ways to solve them. Through this, the report guides action, builds accountability and sparks increased commitment to furthering the progress that can reduce malnutrition much faster.
The Global Nutrition Report invites you to attend and participate in our side event – ‘Shining a Light on Transformative Action: Regional Perspectives’. Emphasizing the need for action, the focus of the side event will be on the critical steps needed to speed up progress on tackling malnutrition in all its forms. Beginning with a moderated panel discussion, it will seek to engage regional perspectives on their approach to action on nutrition and highlight what else should be done to facilitate further change. Following the panel discussion, there will be an opportunity for an engaging Q&A in which though-provoking questions are encouraged.
19. The Role of Biofortification in the Fight Against Malnutrition
Contact person(s): Josephine Boyle and Benjamin Uchitelle-Pierce, HarvestPlus
#Room: M4
- M. S. Swaminathan; 1987 World Food Prize Laureate
- Howarth Bouis; Founder and CEO, HarvestPlus
- Usha Dhingra; Center for Public Health Kinetics
- Binu Cherian; India Country Manager, HarvestPlus
- E. Madam Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko; Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, AUC
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In keeping with the conference’s emphasis on transformative interventions, this panel–moderated by World Food Prize laureate Howarth Bouis–will familiarize the audience with evidence of biofortification’s global presence and nutritional impact. The roundtable will unite stakeholders to discuss its role in an expanding toolbox used to advance the nutrition of vulnerable population groups. Speakers from across the research and policy spheres, including M.S. Swaminathan, will discuss biofortification’s growing reach and important new evidence on the health impact of iron pearl millet and zinc wheat. The last 1/3 of the session will engage the audience through Q and A.
20. Scaling Up Nutrition Together in 2017-2018 – For Impact on People, Societies & Countries
Contact person(s): Iselin L. Danbolt, Edwyn Shiell, and Marie Durling, SUN Movement
#Room: World Ballroom A
- Gerda Verburg, UN Assistant Secretary-General and SUN Movement Coordinator
- Francesco Branca, Director, Nutrition for Health and Development, World Health Organization
- Shenggen Fan, Director General, International Food Policy Research Institute
- Chandavone Phoxay, Director, National Nutrition Center, Ministry of Health of Lao People’s Democratic Republic
- His Excellency Nasrullah Arsalai, Director General of the CMS, Council of Ministers of Afghanistan
- Ope Olanrewaju, owner Kennie-O Cold Chain Logistics Nigeria and SUN Business Network Pitch Competition Winner
- Jade Eugenie S, Delgado, The SUN Civil Society Network Youth Leader for Nutrition
- Madeleine Onclin, Head of Sector – Nutrition, European Commission
- Maria-Bernardita Flores, Assistant Secretary of Health and Executive Director of the National Nutrition Council, Philippines
- Mohamed Abdi Farah, Special Adviser on Health and Nutrition, National Coordinator for Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN), Office of the Prime Minister, Federal Republic of Somalia
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Download Concept Note (PDF 345K)
Download Report Summary (PDF 142K)
For the first time, the 2018 SUN Movement progress report examines regional malnutrition trends while exploring the way forward towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals and the World Health Assembly nutrition targets. This side event will showcase how different countries, with the support of a range of stakeholders, are scaling up nutrition for lasting success – through lessons learned, opportunities and challenges.
SESSION 7: 18:00–19:30
21. A Decade of Action to end all forms of malnutrition
Contact person(s): Francesco Branca and Lina Mahy, WHO and Anna Lartey, FAO
#Room: World Ballroom A
Gerda Verburg (Scaling Up Nutrition Movement Global Coordinator)
- Mr Kostas Stamoulis (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Development Department)
- Francesco Branca (World Health Organization, Director, Department of Nutrition for Health and Development)
- Mesfin Teklu Tessema (International Rescue Committee, Senior Director of Health)
- Nabeeha Kazi (No Wasted Lives, Executive Director)
- Corinna Hawkes (Centre for Food Policy, City University London, Professor of Food Policy, Director)
- Senator Guido Girardi (Chile)
- Howdy Bouis (Harvest Plus, Director)
- Biplabi Shrestha (CFS Civil Society Mechanism representative)
- Mario Arvelo (Chair of the Committee on World Food Security)
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Our food systems are shaped by a multitude of drivers and policies, and are not ensuring healthy, affordable and sustainable diets for all. This event will assess - two years into the Nutrition Decade – the implementation of nutrition commitments by governments, the UN and other actors to address malnutrition in all its forms. FAO and WHO will report on (lack of) progress and established accountability mechanisms. The FAO/WHO resource guide for making commitments will be launched. Nutrition actors will highlight new developments, investments, gaps and needs across food, agriculture, social protection, and health systems to address all forms of malnutrition.
22. Global Access to Nutrition Index 2018: Monitoring the efforts made by the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturers to tackle undernutrition
Contact person(s): Inge Kauer, Access to Nutrition Foundation
#Room: M4
- Inge Kauer, Access to Nutrition Foundation
- Jennifer Cashin, Alive&Thrive
- Steven Bartholomeusz, Food Industry Asia
- Christiane Rudert, UNICEF
- Greg S. Garrett, GAIN
- Uduak Igbeka, SUN Business Network Nigeria
Marije Boomsma, Responsible Business Advisor (Myanmar)
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Almost half of all deaths of children under five are linked to undernutrition. The Global Access to Nutrition Index, released earlier this year, is designed to track the contribution of food and beverage manufacturers to address global nutrition challenges and to encourage them to do more. The Global Index features a sub-ranking which focuses specifically on the undernutrition commitments and practices of the companies.
At this event, the Access to Nutrition Foundation will share the results of the Global Index 2018. A panel discussion will then explore how we can further monitor and strengthen the role the private sector is playing in ending undernutrition and working towards a world with zero hunger, as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals.
23. FIRST: An EU-FAO policy-investment initiative in support of SDG2
Contact person(s): Esther Wiegers and Marco Knowles, FAO
#Room: World Ballroom C
- Mr Karel Callens, Deputy Leader, Food Security and Nutrition, FAO
- Mr Kyaw Swe Lin, Director General, Department of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar (Presentation)
- Mr Sidibé Aboubacar, FIRST Policy Officer in ECOWAS Commission (Presentation)
- Mr Ali Bety, Minister and High Commissioner of the 3N Initiative, Niger (Presentation)
- Ms Madeleine Onclin, Team Leader, Head of Section Nutrition in DEVCO, European Commission
- Ms Sokunthea By, Food Security Programme Officer, EU Delegation, Cambodia
Download Flyer (PDF 392K) | Press Release (PDF 344K) | Policy Guidance Notes
Global progress on ending hunger and malnutrition is stalling. It is imperative that we refocus our efforts on policies, investments, and innovations that will produce lasting impact at scale within the next 10 years. This side event will illustrate how countries participating in the FIRST Programme are creating conditions for investments in agriculture and food systems to produce more tangible and sustainable impacts on food security and nutrition. ECOWAS will share its experience with policies and investments in fisheries and aquaculture. Myanmar will highlight the nexus between land use policy, investment in agriculture, and nutrition. Niger will illustrate how it is making agriculture and other sectors more nutrition-sensitive. FAO and EU will share how this partnership works in practice.
24. Facilitating the Transformation of Food Systems: the Food Systems Dialogues (FSDs)
Contact person(s): David Nabarro, 4SD
#Room: M1&2
David Nabarro, Strategic Director, 4SD, Switzerland; Professor of Global Health, Imperial College London and Curator, Food Systems Dialogues
The Milano Group, established by the UN S-G in 2015, called for a profound four-part transformation of Food Systems. The Food Systems Dialogues (FSDs) provide opportunities for diverse stakeholders to explore options for advancing this transformation. This is achieved through structured dialogues in local, national and international venues. The FSDs are designed to be inclusive of all interests: each dialogue is carefully prepared and facilitated, proceedings are synthesised and the results of successive FSDs establish a cumulative ‘red thread’ that stimulates collective and aligned efforts. In this Side Event, participants will be invited to reflect on FSDs progress in 2018 and plans for 2019.
25. Tracking aid for the WHA nutrition targets: trends in ODA disbursements and next steps for the community
Contact person(s): Emily Thacher, Results for Development Institute
#Room: Lotus 13 (INVITATION ONLY)
Day Three (Friday, Nov 30, 2018) Side Events
Venue: Centara Grand at Central World
SESSION 8: 7:30–8:30
26. Leveraging New Technologies for Agricultural Statistics
Contact person(s): Channing Arndt, IFPRI
#Room: M4
- Prabhu Pingali, Professor of Applied Economics & Director Tata-Cornell Institute (TCI), Cornell University
- Channing Arndt, Director, Environment and Production Technology Division, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
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Data systems in developing countries have improved markedly, partly in response to the data needs imposed by the Millennium Development Goals. However, agriculture and food systems data systems still lag substantially. For example, timely and accurate estimates of production are not available even for major crops in many countries with negative implications for the functioning of markets as well as for policy formation.
This session reviews issues in the agricultural data system and considers specific actions for improving data systems with a focus on production information.
27. From seed to scale: showcasing progress in scaling up iron-fortified lentils through multi-sector collaboration
Contact person(s): Chowdhury Jalal and Myriam Hebabi, Nutrition International
#Room: M1&2
- Dr. Chowdhury Jalal, Nutrition International (Co-chair)
- Ms. Rowena Sugay, MBA, Nutrition International
- Dr. Albert Vandenberg, University of Saskatchewan (Co-chair)
- Dr. Rajib Podder, University of Saskatchewan
- Ms. Saiqa Siraj, MPH, BRAC
- Dr. Diane Dellavalle, Marywood University
28. Accelerating progress towards SDG2 to build Africa’s Grey Matter Infrastructure—CANCELLED
Contact person(s): Hafsa Dia-Enoh, African Development Bank Group
#Room: World Ballroom A
29. How to build urban food systems for better diets, nutrition, and health in low and middle-income countries
Contact person(s): Jef L. Leroy and Marie Ruel, IFPRI
#Room: World Ballroom C
- Jef Leroy, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI (Presentation)
- Corinna Hawkes, Professor of Food Policy, City University of London (Presentation)
- Matthew Kovac, Executive Director, Food Industry Asia (Presentation)
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Diets of poor urban dwellers in low and middle-income countries are rapidly shifting from traditionally rich in coarse grains and pulses to highly concentrated in refined sugar, salt, saturated fats, animal-sourced foods, refined grains, and (ultra-)processed foods. These dietary changes, which are believed to unfold faster in urban than in rural areas, increase the risks of malnutrition in all its forms and diet-related non communicable diseases. Contributing factors include the rapid expansion of modern food retail systems, and the abundance of convenient, cheap, ultra-processed yet nutrient-poor foods. This side event will provide in-depth perspectives from research and industry on how to build food systems that provide healthy and affordable diets for the urban poor.
30. A4NH Equity Consultation
Contact person(s): Hazel Malapit, IFPRI
#Room: Lotus 13 (INVITATION ONLY)
- Hazel Malapit, Gender Research Coordinator, CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health
- John McDermott, Director, CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health
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Equity and equality are concepts rooted in the idea that all people should be treated as equals. Equality means the outcome is the same for all groups, while equity refers to the fair distribution of a good or process among groups. Inequities are differences that are unnecessary, avoidable, unfair, and unjust. Since there are large disparities in nutrition and health outcomes between groups, and resources and processes related to these outcomes are often distributed inequitably, we must consider equity in research. In this session, part of a series of consultations A4NH is conducting in regions around the world, we seek to better understand how A4NH research can address equity issues in a more comprehensive and strategic way.
SESSION 9: 12:15–13:45
31. Future Smart Food: Rediscovering hidden treasures of neglected and underutilized species for Zero Hunger
Contact person(s): Xuan Li, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
#Room: World Ballroom A
Opening remarks
Dr. Kundhavi Kadiresan, ADG/RR, FAO RAP
Dr. Xuan Li, Senior Policy Officer, Regional Initiative on Zero Hunger Challenge, Delivery Manager, FAO RAP (Presentation)
Country presentations
- H.E. Sok Silo, Deputy Secretary General, Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), Office of the Council of Ministers, Cambodia (Presentation)
- Madan Raj Bhatta, National Consultant, Genetic resources/seed policy, Bhim Datta Municipality, Nepal (Presentation)
- Khamphou Phouyyavong, Deputy Director, Planning and Cooperation Division NAFRI (Presentation)
- Min San Thein, Deputy Director Department of Agricultural Research Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar (Presentation)
- Ms. Khin Mar Oo, Director International Relations Division Department of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar (Presentation)
- Dr. Bommakanti Rajender, Joint Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, India Department of Agricultural Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (Presentation)
- Dr. Visith Chavasit, former Director, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University
- Suhas Wani, former Director, former Director, ICRISAT Development Center, ICRISAT
Speaker CVs/Biographies (PDF 234K)
Download flyer (PDF 346K)
Download Future Smart Food Fair flyer (PDF 321K)
One of FAO’s targets is to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: “Zero Hunger” - eradicating all forms of hunger and malnutrition. Towards this end, there is an urgent call to transform agri-food systems to be sustainable through agriculture diversification (dietary diversity and production diversity) allowing all people to access adequate and nutritious food. One entry point to a more sustainable agri-food system is to integrate nutrition-sensitive agriculture and climate-smart agriculture through the identification, prioritization and promotion of Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) of food that are nutrition dense, climate resilient, economically viable and locally accessible as Future Smart Food (FSF).
Driven by this shared goal, decision makers and practitioners from Asia, the Pacific and around the world will gather to share evidences and lessons learned on the promotion of FSF through food systems.
Over-reliance on staple crops is a leading cause of persistent malnutrition coupled with low dietary diversity in Asia. FAO’s Regional Initiative on Zero Hunger aims to eradicate hunger and all forms of malnutrition. Within an agricultural diversification and sustainable strategy, FSF have been identified as a holistic and cost-effective intervention to address the dual challenge of malnutrition and climate change.
This side event will showcase successful experiences gained in Asia of FSF to strategize the production, marketing, consumption and governance of FSF in strengthening an enabling environment for agricultural diversification to achieve Zero Hunger.
32. Using National Zero Hunger Strategic Reviews to accelerate progress towards SDG 2
Contact person(s): Teunis Van Rheenen, IFPRI and Kimberly Deni, WFP
#Room: M1&2
Session Chair
David Dawe, Senior Economist and Regional Strategy and Policy Advisor, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Parvathy Ramaswami, Deputy Regional Director, Asia and the Pacific Region, WFP
Paul Dorosh, Director, Development Strategy and Governance Division, IFPRI
Panel discussion
- Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)
- H.E. Nasrullah Arsalai, Director General of Council of Ministers Secretariat, Afghanistan
- Akhter Ahmed, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI-Bangladesh
- H.E. Ngy Chan Phal, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Interior, Cambodia
- Kevin Chen, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI-China
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National Zero Hunger Strategic Reviews are country-led, inclusive, and consultative exercises that analyze country-specific food security and nutrition situations; identify gaps and challenges to achieving SDG2 targets; and provide governments with information and concrete recommendations that enable national policies and plans to be adjusted accordingly. National Zero Hunger Strategic Reviews have been completed in 70 countries, including 13 in the Asia-Pacific region. This event will examine these strategic reviews’ key findings and trends and highlight recommendations with regional scope. The panel will discuss the different approaches taken in five countries, policy traction on priority actions identified, and synergies with other national planning processes.
33. Data visualization tools for nutrition: Empowering decision-makers to accelerate progress
Contact person(s): Renee Manorat, Laura Becker, Kyle Borces, and Augustin Flory, Results for Development Institute
#Room: M4
Rahul Rawat, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Augustin Flory, Results for Development Institute
- Jessica Fanzo, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Charlotte Dufour, Scaling Up Nutrition, Invited - participation TBC
- Felix Phiri, Ministry of Health, Malawi, Invited - participation TBC
- Alok Kumar, National Institution for Transforming India
34. Accelerating Ending Hunger through Implementation of Malabo compliant National Agriculture Investment Plans and Biennial Review Mechanism
Contact person(s): Ernest Ruzindaza, AUC
#Room: World Ballroom C
Dr Godfrey Bahiigwa, Director for Rural Economy and Agriculture African Union Commission
Dr Simplice Nouala, Head of Division Agriculture and Food Security, African Union Commission
- Dr Chris Muyunda, Head of the CAADP Coalition of Non State Actors
- Mr Ernest Ruzindaza, CAADP Team Leader, African Union Commission
- Dr Suresh Babu, IFPRI