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Opinion Piece

Relapse after recovery from acute malnutrition

2025Bliznashka, Lilia


Relapse after recovery from acute malnutrition

Globally, severe acute malnutrition affects 13·6 million children.1 The WHO-endorsed community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) model is effective in achieving high recovery. However, there is increasing recognition that relapse after recovery is a problem, with a growing number of studies aiming to understand and quantify relapse burden and risk factors.2,3 Knowledge gaps remain in our understanding of the problem and its drivers due to methodological issues, lack of control groups, and inconsistent reporting.

Year published



Bliznashka, Lilia


Bliznashka Lilia. 2025. Relapse after recovery from acute malnutrition. Lancet Global Health 13(1): E6-E7.


Malnutrition; Children; Health; Food Security




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Opinion Piece

Journal Article

Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition through community health volunteers is a cost-effective intervention: Evidence from a resource-limited setting


Ilboudo, Patrick G.; Donfouet, Hermann Pythagore Pierre; Wilunda, Calistus; Cichon, Bernardette; Tewoldeberhan, Daniel; Njiru, James; Keane, Emily; Mwangi, Bonventure; Mwaniki, Elizabeth; Zerfu, Taddese Alemu

Schofield, Lilly; Maina, Lucy; Kutondo, Edward; Agutu, Olivia; Okoth, Peter; Raburu, Judith; Kavoo, Daniel; Karimurio, Lydia; Matanda, Charles; Mutua, Alex; Gichohi, Grace; Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth


Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition through community health volunteers is a cost-effective intervention: Evidence from a resource-limited setting

Treatment outcomes for acute malnutrition can be improved by integrating treatment into community case management (iCCM). However, little is known about the cost-effectiveness of this integrated nutrition intervention. The present study investigates the cost-effectiveness of treating moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) through community health volunteer (CHV) and integrating it with routine iCCM. A cost-effectiveness model compared the costs and effects of CHV sites plus health facility-based treatment (intervention) with the routine health facility-based treatment strategy alone (control). The costing assessments combined both provider and patient costs. The cost per DALY averted was the primary metric for the comparison, on which sensitivity analysis was performed. Additionally, the integrated strategy's relative value for money was evaluated using the most recent country-specific gross domestic product threshold metrics. The intervention dominated the health facility-based strategy alone on all computed cost-effectiveness outcomes. MAM treatment by CHVs plus health facilities was estimated to yield a cost per death and DALY averted of US$ 8743 and US$ 397, respectively, as opposed to US$ 13,846 and US$ 637 in the control group. The findings also showed that the intervention group spent less per child treated and recovered than the control group: US$ 214 versus US$ 270 and US$ 306 versus US$ 485, respectively. Compared with facility-based treatment, treating MAM by CHVs and health facilities was a cost-effective intervention. Additional gains could be achieved if more children with MAM are enrolled and treated.

Year published



Ilboudo, Patrick G.; Donfouet, Hermann Pythagore Pierre; Wilunda, Calistus; Cichon, Bernardette; Tewoldeberhan, Daniel; Njiru, James; Keane, Emily; Mwangi, Bonventure; Mwaniki, Elizabeth; Zerfu, Taddese Alemu; Schofield, Lilly; Maina, Lucy; Kutondo, Edward; Agutu, Olivia; Okoth, Peter; Raburu, Judith; Kavoo, Daniel; Karimurio, Lydia; Matanda, Charles; Mutua, Alex; Gichohi, Grace; Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth


Ilboudo, Patrick G.; Donfouet, Hermann Pythagore Pierre; Wilunda, Calistus; Cichon, Bernardette; Tewoldeberhan, Daniel; Njiru, James; et al. 2024. Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition through community health volunteers is a cost-effective intervention: Evidence from a resource-limited setting. Maternal and Child Nutrition 20(4): e13695.




Africa; Eastern Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Child Nutrition; Community Management; Costs; Gross National Product; Malnutrition; Cost Analysis




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Perceptions towards management of acute malnutrition by community health volunteers in northern Kenya


Wambui, Elizabeth; Wilunda, Calistus; Donfouet, Hermann Pythagore Pierre; Mwangi, Bonventure; Zerfu, Taddese Alemu; Daniel, Tewoldeberha; Agutu, Olivia; Samburu, Betty; Kavoo, Daniel; Karimurio, Lydia

Cuellar, Pilar Charle; Keane, Emily; Schofield, Lilly; Njiru, James; Chabi, Martin; Maina, Lucy Gathigi; Okoth, Peter F.; Raburu, Judith; Gichohi, Grace; Mutua, Alex; Matanda, Charles; Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth


Perceptions towards management of acute malnutrition by community health volunteers in northern Kenya

Child undernutrition is a persistent challenge in arid and semi-arid areas due to low and erratic rainfall, recurrent droughts and food insecurity. In these settings, caregivers face several challenges in accessing health services for sick and/or malnourished children, including long distances to health facilities, harsh terrain, and lack of money to pay for transportation costs to the health facilities, leading to low service coverage and sub-optimal treatment outcomes. To address these challenges and optimize treatment outcomes, the World Health Organization recommends utilizing community health volunteers (CHVs) to manage acute malnutrition in the community. This study explored the perceptions of community members regarding acute malnutrition treatment by CHVs in Turkana and Isiolo counties in Kenya. The study utilized a cross-sectional study design and included a purposive sample of caregivers of children, CHVs, officers who trained and supervised CHVs and community leaders in the intervention area. Focus group discussions and key informant interviews were used to explore perceptions towards the management of acute malnutrition by CHVs. Generally, caregivers and CHVs perceived the intervention to be beneficial as it readily addressed acute malnutrition treatment needs in the community. The intervention was perceived to be acceptable, effective, and easily accessible. The community health structure provided a platform for commodity supply and management and CHV support supervision. This was a major enabler in implementing the intervention. The intervention faced operational and systemic challenges that should be considered before scale-up.

Year published



Wambui, Elizabeth; Wilunda, Calistus; Donfouet, Hermann Pythagore Pierre; Mwangi, Bonventure; Zerfu, Taddese Alemu; Daniel, Tewoldeberha; Agutu, Olivia; Samburu, Betty; Kavoo, Daniel; Karimurio, Lydia; Cuellar, Pilar Charle; Keane, Emily; Schofield, Lilly; Njiru, James; Chabi, Martin; Maina, Lucy Gathigi; Okoth, Peter F.; Raburu, Judith; Gichohi, Grace; Mutua, Alex; Matanda, Charles; Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth


Wambui, Elizabeth; Wilunda, Calistus; Donfouet, Hermann Pythagore Pierre; Mwangi, Bonventure; Zerfu, Taddese Alemu; et al. 2024. Perceptions towards management of acute malnutrition by community health volunteers in northern Kenya. PLOS Global Public Health 4(5).




Sub-saharan Africa; Eastern Africa; Africa; Malnutrition; Food Security; Health Services; Transport; Children; Child Care




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Book Chapter

Approaches to assessing malnutrition and its impact on food security

2024Babu, Suresh Chandra; Tinarwo, Joseph


Approaches to assessing malnutrition and its impact on food security

Year published



Babu, Suresh Chandra; Tinarwo, Joseph


Babu, Suresh Chandra; and Tinarwo, Joseph. 2024. Approaches to assessing malnutrition and its impact on food security. In Handbook on Public Policy and Food Security, eds. Sheryl L. Hendriks and Suresh C. Babu. Chapter 11, Pp. 110-119.


Malnutrition; Food Security; Dietary Diversity; Nutrition Assessment




Limited Access

Record type

Book Chapter

Journal Article

Cultural and contextual drivers of triple burden of malnutrition among children in India

2023Singh, Shri Kant; Chauhan, Alka; Sharma, Santosh Kumar; Puri, Parul; Pedgaonkar, Sarang; Dwivedi, Laxmi Kant; Taillie, Lindsey Smith


Cultural and contextual drivers of triple burden of malnutrition among children in India

This study examines malnutrition’s triple burden, including anaemia, overweight, and stunting, among children aged 6–59 months. Using data from the National Family Health Survey-5 (2019–2021), the study identifies risk factors and assesses their contribution at different levels to existing malnutrition burden. A random intercept multilevel logistic regression model and spatial analysis are employed to identify child, maternal, and household level risk factors for stunting, overweight, and anaemia. The study finds that 34% of children were stunted, 4% were overweight, and 66% were anaemic. Stunting and anaemia prevalence were higher in central and eastern regions, while overweight was more prevalent in the north-eastern and northern regions. At the macro-level, the coexistence of stunting, overweight, and anaemia circumstantiates the triple burden of childhood malnutrition with substantial spatial variation (Moran’s I: stunting-0.53, overweight-0.41, and anaemia-0.53). Multilevel analysis reveals that child, maternal, and household variables play a substantial role in determining malnutrition burden in India. The nutritional health is significantly influenced by a wide range of determinants, necessitating multilevel treatments targeting households to address this diverse group of coexisting factors. Given the intra-country spatial heterogeneity, the treatment also needs to be tailor-made for various disaggregated levels.

Year published



Singh, Shri Kant; Chauhan, Alka; Sharma, Santosh Kumar; Puri, Parul; Pedgaonkar, Sarang; Dwivedi, Laxmi Kant; Taillie, Lindsey Smith


Singh, Shri Kant; Chauhan, Alka; Sharma, Santosh Kumar; Puri, Parul; Pedgaonkar, Sarang; Dwivedi, Laxmi Kant; and Taillie, Lindsey Smith. 2023. Cultural and contextual drivers of triple burden of malnutrition among children in India. Nutrients 15(15): 3478.




Southern Asia; Asia; Anaemia; Data; Surveys; Malnutrition; Child Stunting; Overweight




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Journal Article


Operationalizing the RE-AIM framework to evaluate complex interventions: Lessons learned from the Integrated Research on Acute Malnutrition (IRAM) study

2023Huybregts, Lieven; Diatta, Ampa D.; Diop, Loty; Touré, Mariama; Fall, Talla; Becquey, Elodie


Operationalizing the RE-AIM framework to evaluate complex interventions: Lessons learned from the Integrated Research on Acute Malnutrition (IRAM) study

The use of theories, models and evaluation frameworks to design and evaluate interventions has now taken center stage in implementation science. The RE-AIM framework is one of the most used frameworks to plan and evaluate the implementation of interventions. RE-AIM framework is not only useful for researchers but also allows program implementers to broaden and structure their analysis to strengthen program implementation, design a performant monitoring and evaluation framework or conduct implementation research. The framework’s key dimensions are reach and effectiveness (at an individual level), adoption and implementation (at actor, staff, system, or policy/other levels), and maintenance (both at individual and actor/staff/system/policy levels) (Box 1). The utilization of the RE-AIM framework is not limited to assessing if a program reaches satisfactory levels of each dimension, but also aims at understanding the barriers and facilitating factors of each dimension. Furthermore, it recommends identifying which subgroups of actors or settings demonstrate good or poor adoption and implementation and to assess which subgroups of program beneficiaries benefit most from good intervention reach and effectiveness. Whereas most experience with RE-AIM comes from public health and behavioral studies conducted in high-income countries, the framework has been increasingly used for programs and interventions implemented in low-and middle-income countries and in a variety of thematic fields. Furthermore, the framework has been extensively used to assess the implementation of interventions consisting of few components. For the assessment of multi-component interventions, one way of applying RE-AIM to is first decompose the multi-components intervention into single components or activities and evaluate every component separately. However, such complex interventions can consist of intervention components or services that are either sequenced, layered, or integrated which may require an extension of the existing RE-AIM framework to evaluate the interaction between intervention components or services. This technical brief provides an example on how RE-AIM was operationalized by the Integrated Research on Acute Malnutrition (IRAM) which assessed the implementation and impact of a complex intervention package. The IRAM intervention aimed at strengthening various services along the continuum of care of child wasting in Mali. IRAM defined the continuum of care of child wasting as a series of services offered by different providers at various levels of care (household, community, facility) that cover the prevention of wasting, the screening for wasting, the referral of cases to treatment services, the admission and treatment of cases, and the post-treatment follow-up and prevention of relapse. We first show how REAIM was applied on single IRAM intervention components and services. We then highlight a few limitations that we encountered with RE-AIM for a complex intervention package and propose how to extend RE-AIM for interventions or services that are sequenced, layered, or integrated.

Year published



Huybregts, Lieven; Diatta, Ampa D.; Diop, Loty; Touré, Mariama; Fall, Talla; Becquey, Elodie


Huybregts, Lieven; Diatta, Ampa D.; Diop, Loty; Touré, Mariama; Fall, Talla; and Becquey, Elodie. 2023. Operationalizing the RE-AIM framework to evaluate complex interventions: Lessons learned from the Integrated Research on Acute Malnutrition (IRAM) study. IFPRI Technical brief June 2023. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Western Africa; Research; Public Health; Child Wasting; Malnutrition




Open Access


Source record


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type


Journal Article

Can dairy help solve the malnutrition crisis in developing countries? An economic analysis

2023Headey, Derek D.


Can dairy help solve the malnutrition crisis in developing countries? An economic analysis

Agricultural policies are increasingly being asked to do more to address the extensive global burden of undernutrition (Ruel and Alderman, 2013). Undernutrition in early childhood is particularly costly because of its lifelong consequences: poor health, inferior educational outcomes, and lower wages and productivity in adulthood (Black et al., 2013). But to be effective, nutrition-smart agricultural interventions need to produce meaningful dietary improvements very early in life when economically disadvantaged infants and young children are exposed to rising nutrient requirements that are not met by adequate nutrient intake, absorption, and utilization. The intake problem stems from low-quality diets and poor feeding practices, while absorption and utilization problems arise from repeated as well as chronic infections, particularly of the gut. One area within agriculture with tremendous potential to influence early childhood nutrition is the dairy sector. Dairy products have a range of nutritional and physical characteristics that make them an almost ideal complementary food. Undernourished children in poor countries are often deficient in foods rich in high-quality proteins comprised of essential amino acids that constitute the building blocks for linear growth and cognitive development (Semba, 2016). Dairy has a higher digestibility-corrected amino acid score than any other food (1.21) and is particularly efficacious at closing amino acid gaps in the monotonous diets prevalent in Africa and Asia (FAO, 2013), and in poorer populations more exposed to infections (Semba, 2016). Dairy is unique in stimulating plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a growth hormone that acts to increase the uptake of amino acids (FAO, 2013). Dairy is also dense in calories, fat, and various micronutrients (vitamin A and B12), as well as being exceptionally rich in calcium (which contributes to bone length and strength), potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus (Dror and Allen, 2014). Finally, the sheer density of multiple macro- and micronutrients in dairy products—as well as their taste, and familiar texture and consistency—makes them almost ideal for infants and young children with small stomachs incapable of consuming large quantities of nutrient-sparse foods so common in diets of poorer households.

Year published



Headey, Derek D.


Headey, Derek. 2023. Can dairy help solve the malnutrition crisis in developing countries? An economic analysis. Animal Frontiers 13(1): pp. 7-16.


Low Income Groups; Milk Products; Nutrition Education; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Dried Milk; Developing Countries; Poverty




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article


How is India doing on malnutrition and non-communicable diseases? Insights from the National Family Health Surveys (2005-06 to 2019-21)

2023Kapoor, Rati; Singh, Nishmeet; Nguyen, Phuong Hong; Singh, S. K.; Dwivedi, L. K.; Pedgaonkar, Sarang; Puri, Parul; Chauhan, Alka; Khandelwal, Shweta; Chamois, Sylvie


How is India doing on malnutrition and non-communicable diseases? Insights from the National Family Health Surveys (2005-06 to 2019-21)

A set of global nutrition targets for maternal and child nutrition together with diet related non communicable diseases ( to be achieved by 2025 was endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 2013 These targets provide goals against which progress towards ending malnutrition in all its forms can be measured and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals This data note describes trends in multiple forms of malnutrition and NCD outcomes at the national, state, and district levels for India using survey data from NFHS 3 2005 06 NFHS 4 2015 2016 and NFHS 5 2019 2021 Insights on other malnutrition targets such as anemia and breastfeeding will be forthcoming

Year published



Kapoor, Rati; Singh, Nishmeet; Nguyen, Phuong Hong; Singh, S. K.; Dwivedi, L. K.; Pedgaonkar, Sarang; Puri, Parul; Chauhan, Alka; Khandelwal, Shweta; Chamois, Sylvie


Kapoor, Rati; Singh, Nishmeet; Nguyen, Phuong Hong; Singh, S.K.; Dwivedi, L.K.; Pedgaonkar, Sarang; Puri, Parul; Chauhan, Alka; Khandelwal, Shweta; and Chamois, Sylvie. Khandelwal, and S. Chamois. 2023 . How is India Doing on Malnutrition and Non Communicable Diseases? Insights from the National Family Health Surveys (2005 06 to 2019-21). POSHAN Data Note No. 92. New Delhi, India: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Southern Asia; Asia; Data; Data Analysis; Diabetes; Diet; Hypertension; Malnutrition; Maternal and Child Health; Maternal Nutrition; Nutrition; Stunting; Wasting Disease (nutritional Disorder)




Open Access

Record type


Opinion Piece

Editorial: Wheat biofortification to alleviate global malnutrition

2022Ibba, Maria Itria; Gupta, Om Prakash; Govindan, Velu; Johnson, Alexander A.T.; Brinch-Pedersen, Henrik; Nikolic, Miroslav; Taleon, VĂ­ctor


Editorial: Wheat biofortification to alleviate global malnutrition

According to the latest FAO report on the state of food security and nutrition in the world (1), more than 720 million people faced hunger, and around 3 billion people did not have access to a healthy diet. All these problematics, exacerbated by the current COVID-19 crisis, led to an increase in the number of people affected by the so-called hidden hunger, caused by an inadequate intake of essential micronutrients (MNs) such as iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se) and provitamin A. Biofortification, intended as the improvement of the nutritional quality of food crops through either conventional breeding, agronomic practices or modern biotechnologies, represents a sustainable, cost-effective and long-term approach to alleviate micronutrient-deficiency. Staple crops are typically the major target of most biofortification studies, given their central role in human diet. Wheat, specifically, contributes to around 20% of the total energy and protein intake and to around 30% of the Fe and Zn intake worldwide. However, the current level of MNs present in most wheat-derived food products is not enough to meet the minimum daily intake, especially in the poorest regions of the world. For these reasons, continuing to work on wheat biofortification is fundamental to ensure the production of nutritious and sustainable food and to contribute to the reduction of MNs deficiency.

Year published



Ibba, Maria Itria; Gupta, Om Prakash; Govindan, Velu; Johnson, Alexander A.T.; Brinch-Pedersen, Henrik; Nikolic, Miroslav; Taleon, VĂ­ctor


Ibba, Maria Itria; Gupta, Om Prakash; Govindan, Velu; Johnson, Alexander A. T.; Brinch-Pedersen, Henrik; Nikolic, Miroslav; and Taleon, Victor. 2022. Editorial: Wheat biofortification to alleviate global malnutrition. Frontiers in Nutrition 9: 1001443.


Biofortification; Food Crops; Agronomic Practices; Covid-19; Sustainability; Staple Foods; Hunger; Micronutrient Deficiencies; Retinol; Nutrition; Trace Elements; Selenium; Bioavailability; Food Security; Iron; Wheat; Zinc; Genome-wide Association Studies; Breeding




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Opinion Piece

Journal Article

Benchmarking policy goals and actions for healthy food environments in Ethiopia to prevent malnutrition in all its forms using document analysis

2022TrĂĽbswasser, Ursula; Candel, Jeroen; Genye, Tirsit; Bossuyt, Anne; Holdsworth, Michelle; Baye, Kaleab; Talsma, Elise F.


Benchmarking policy goals and actions for healthy food environments in Ethiopia to prevent malnutrition in all its forms using document analysis

Unhealthy diets resulting in overweight and obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases are of increasing concern in Ethiopia, alongside persistent undernutrition, and have been linked to unhealthy food environments. Little is known about the policy response to unhealthy food nvironments in Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to assess how different food environment domains have been addressed in Ethiopian policy goals and action over time and how this compares with global good practice benchmarks.

Year published



TrĂĽbswasser, Ursula; Candel, Jeroen; Genye, Tirsit; Bossuyt, Anne; Holdsworth, Michelle; Baye, Kaleab; Talsma, Elise F.


TrĂĽbswasser, Ursula; Candel, Jeroen; Genye, Tirsit; Bossuyt, Anne; Holdsworth, Michelle; Baye, Kaleab; and Talsma, Elise F. 2022. Benchmarking policy goals and actions for healthy food environments in Ethiopia to prevent malnutrition in all its forms using document analysis. BMJ Open 12(8): e058480.




Eastern Africa; Africa; Diet; Meal Plans; Malnutrition; Policies; Food Access; Food Environment; Government; Government Agencies; Nutrition; Nutrition Policies; Nutrition Education; Nutrition Labelling; Obesity; Nutrition Research; Decision Making; Food Quality; Food Environment Domains; Intentions; Food Retail; Healthy Diets; Food Provision; Micronutrient Deficiencies; Meal Patterns; State Intervention; Government Departments




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-4.0


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Agronomic biofortification of zinc in rice for diminishing malnutrition in South Asia

2022Peramaiyan, Panneerselvam; Craufurd, Peter Q.; Kumar, Virender; Seelan, Lavanya P.; McDonald, Andrew J.; Balwinder-Singh, Poonia, S.; Kishore, Avinash; Singh, Sudhanshu


Agronomic biofortification of zinc in rice for diminishing malnutrition in South Asia

Zinc (Zn) is increasingly recognized as an essential trace element in the human diet that mediates a plethora of health conditions, including immune responses to infectious diseases. Interestingly, the geographical distribution of human dietary Zn deficiency overlaps with soil Zn deficiency. In South Asia, Zn malnutrition is high due to excessive consumption of rice with low Zn content. Interventions such as dietary diversification, food fortification, supplementation, and biofortification are followed to address Zn malnutrition. Among these, Zn biofortification of rice is the most encouraging, cost-effective, and sustainable for South Asia. Biofortification through conventional breeding and transgenic approaches has been achieved in cereals; however, if the soil is deficient in Zn, then these approaches are not advantageous. Therefore, in this article, we review strategies for enhancing the Zn concentration of rice through agronomic biofortification such as timing, dose, and method of Zn fertilizer application, and how nitrogen and phosphorus application as well as crop establishment methods influence Zn concentration in rice. We also propose data-driven Zn recommendations to anticipate crop responses to Zn fertilization and targeted policies that support agronomic biofortification in regions where crop responses to Zn fertilizer are high.

Year published



Peramaiyan, Panneerselvam; Craufurd, Peter Q.; Kumar, Virender; Seelan, Lavanya P.; McDonald, Andrew J.; Balwinder-Singh, Poonia, S.; Kishore, Avinash; Singh, Sudhanshu


Peramaiyan, Panneerselvam, Craufurd, Peter, Kumar, Virender, Seelan, Lavanya P., McDonald, Andrew J., Balwinder-Singh, Kishore, Avinash and Singh, Sudhanshu. 2022. Agronomic biofortification of zinc in rice for diminishing malnutrition in South Asia. Sustainability 14(13):7747.


Asia; Southern Asia; Rice; Zinc; Crop Management; Grain; Soil Requirements; Policies




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Accelerated Breeding

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Predicting poverty and malnutrition for targeting, mapping, monitoring, and early warning

2022Mcbride, Linden; Barrett, Christopher B.; Browne, Christopher; Hu, Leiqiu; Liu, Yanyan; Matteson, David S.; Sun, Ying; Wen, Jiaming


Predicting poverty and malnutrition for targeting, mapping, monitoring, and early warning

Increasingly plentiful data and powerful predictive algorithms heighten the promise of data science for humanitarian and development programming. We advocate for embrace of, and investment in, machine learning methods for poverty and malnutrition targeting, mapping, monitoring, and early warning while also cautioning that distinct objectives require distinct data and methods. In particular, we highlight the differences between poverty and malnutrition targeting and mapping, the differences between structural and stochastic deprivation, and the modeling and data challenges of early warning system development. Overall, we urge careful consideration of the purpose and use cases of machine learning informed models.

Year published



Mcbride, Linden; Barrett, Christopher B.; Browne, Christopher; Hu, Leiqiu; Liu, Yanyan; Matteson, David S.; Sun, Ying; Wen, Jiaming


Mcbride, Linden; Barrett, Christopher B.; Browne, Christopher; Hu, Leiqiu; Liu, Yanyan; Matteson, David S.; Sun, Ying; and Wen, Jiaming. 2022. Predicting poverty and malnutrition for targeting, mapping, monitoring, and early warning. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 44(2): 879-892.


Data; Humanitarian Organizations; Machine Learning; Capacity Development; Early Warning Systems; Malnutrition; Poverty; Big Data




Limited Access


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Act now before Ukraine war plunges millions into malnutrition

2022Osendarp, Saskia; Verburg, Gerda; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Black, Robert E.; Pee, Saskia de; Fabrizio, Cecilia; Headey, Derek D.; Heidkamp, Rebecca A.; Laborde Debucquet, David; Ruel, Marie T.


Act now before Ukraine war plunges millions into malnutrition

As the devastation in Ukraine continues to unfold, many of the warnings about the global food crisis precipitated by the war have focused on the risks of famine and severe food insecurity. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, for instance, projected last month that between 8 million and 13 million more people could become undernourished in 2022–23 — meaning that they will be unable to acquire enough food to meet the daily minimum energy requirements over one year. There are already more than 800 million undernourished people globally.

Year published



Osendarp, Saskia; Verburg, Gerda; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Black, Robert E.; Pee, Saskia de; Fabrizio, Cecilia; Headey, Derek D.; Heidkamp, Rebecca A.; Laborde Debucquet, David; Ruel, Marie T.


Osendarp, Saskia; Verburg, Gerda; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Black, Robert E.; de Pee, Saskia; Fabrizio, Cecilia; Headey, Derek D.; Heidkamp, Rebecca A.; Laborde Debucquet, David; and Ruel, Marie T. 2022. Act now before Ukraine war plunges millions into malnutrition. Nature 604: 620-624.




Europe; Eastern Europe; Conflicts; Armed Conflicts; War; Malnutrition; Less Favoured Areas; Developing Countries




Open Access


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Exploring the drivers of malnutrition in West Africa from health and social science perspectives: A comparative methodological review

2021Salm, Leah; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn; Nisbett, Nicholas; Booth, Andrew


Exploring the drivers of malnutrition in West Africa from health and social science perspectives: A comparative methodological review

West Africa has a high burden of malnutrition and the drivers are often complex, highly context-specific, and cut across individual, social, political and environmental domains. Public health research most often considers immediate individual health and diet drivers, at the expense of wider considerations that may fall outside of a health agenda. The objective of this systematic mapping review is to map the broad drivers of malnutrition in West Africa, from public health and social science perspectives, and to evaluate the additional value of an interdisciplinary approach. Evidence was gathered from one public health (MEDLINE) and one social science (International Bibliography of Social Science) database using a detailed search syntax tailored to each disciplinary configuration. Literature was screened against pre-determined eligibility criteria and extracted from abstracts. Studies published in English or French between January 2010 and April 2018 were considered for inclusion. Driver categories (immediate, underlying and basic drivers) were coded against the UNICEF conceptual framework of malnutrition. A total of 358 studies were included; 237 were retrieved from the public health database and 124 from the social science database, 3 studies were included in both. The public health and social science literature document different drivers, with MEDLINE most often reporting immediate drivers of malnutrition and the International Bibliography of Social Science database reporting underlying and basic drivers. The combined literature offers more balanced representation across categories. An interdisciplinary approach proved successful in achieving complementarity in search results while upholding rigorous methods. We recommend that interdisciplinary approaches are utilised to bridge recognised gaps between defined disciplines.

Year published



Salm, Leah; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn; Nisbett, Nicholas; Booth, Andrew


Salm, Leah; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn; Nisbett, Nicholas; and Booth, Andrew. 2021. Exploring the drivers of malnutrition in West Africa from health and social science perspectives: A comparative methodological review. Methodological Innovations 14(3).


Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Africa; Maternal and Child Health; Databases; Population Structure; Interdisciplinary Research; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Unicef; Public Health




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Working Paper

Double burden of malnutrition in Ghana: a holistic perspective

2021Casu, Laura; van den Bold, Mara; Diop, Loty; Aryeetey, Richard N. O.; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn


Double burden of malnutrition in Ghana: a holistic perspective

In the context of a mounting burden of overweight and obesity and a persisting burden of undernutrition, double-duty actions (DDAs) (Figure 1) [1] are needed to tackle multiple forms of malnutrition simultaneously [2]. These include “interventions, programs and policies that have the potential to simultaneously reduce the risk or burden of both undernutrition (including wasting, stunting and micronutrient deficiency or insufficiency) and overweight, obesity or diet-related NCDs”. The World Health Organization has characterized the double burden of malnutrition (DBM) as “the coexistence of undernutrition (i.e. micronutrient deficiencies, underweight, and childhood stunting and wasting), along with overweight and obesity, or diet-related noncommunicable diseases, within individuals, households and populations, and across the life course” [3]. Coordinated action is, therefore, needed to ensure that a focus on the double burden is integrated into the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programs with potential double-duty effects across the life course, with intra- and inter-generational implications [1,3,4,5].

Year published



Casu, Laura; van den Bold, Mara; Diop, Loty; Aryeetey, Richard N. O.; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn


Casu, Laura; van den Bold, Mara; Diop, Loty; Aryeetey, Richard N. O.; and Verstraeten, Roosmarijn. 2021. Double burden of malnutrition in Ghana: a holistic perspective. TNWA Evidence 26. Dakar, Senegal: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Africa; Nutrition Policies; Malnutrition; Nutrition




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Working Paper

Working Paper

Spatial patterns of multiple malnutrition types in West Africa: Four country case studies

2021Diop, Loty; van den Bold, Mara; Guo, Zhe; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn


Spatial patterns of multiple malnutrition types in West Africa: Four country case studies

Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), including in Africa south of the Sahara, face a “new nutrition reality” (Popkin, Corvalan, and Grummer-Strawn 2020) referred to as the double burden of malnutrition, where children under five years of age (U5s) and women of reproductive age (WRA) continue to experience high rates of undernutrition while, at the same time, the rates of overweight and obesity in these populations are on the rise (Development initiatives 2020).

Year published



Diop, Loty; van den Bold, Mara; Guo, Zhe; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn


Diop, Loty; van den Bold, Mara; Guo, Zhe; and Verstraeten, Roosmarijn. 2021. Spatial patterns of multiple malnutrition types in West Africa: Four country case studies. TNWA Evidence 22. Dakar, Senegal: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


Burkina Faso; Ghana; Nigeria; Senegal


Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Africa; Anaemia; Child Nutrition; Stunting; Thinness; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Overweight; Obesity




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Working Paper

Journal Article

Multivariate random forest prediction of poverty and malnutrition prevalence

2021Browne, Chris; Matteson, David S.; McBride, Linden; Hu, Leiqiu; Liu, Yanyan; Sun, Ying; Wen, Jiaming; Barrett, Christopher B.


Multivariate random forest prediction of poverty and malnutrition prevalence

Advances in remote sensing and machine learning enable increasingly accurate, inexpensive, and timely estimation of poverty and malnutrition indicators to guide development and humanitarian agencies’ programming. However, state of the art models often rely on proprietary data and/or deep or transfer learning methods whose underlying mechanics may be challenging to interpret. We demonstrate how interpretable random forest models can produce estimates of a set of (potentially correlated) malnutrition and poverty prevalence measures using free, open access, regularly updated, georeferenced data. We demonstrate two use cases: contemporaneous prediction, which might be used for poverty mapping, geographic targeting, or monitoring and evaluation tasks, and a sequential nowcasting task that can inform early warning systems. Applied to data from 11 low and lower-middle income countries, we find predictive accuracy broadly comparable for both tasks to prior studies that use proprietary data and/or deep or transfer learning methods.

Year published



Browne, Chris; Matteson, David S.; McBride, Linden; Hu, Leiqiu; Liu, Yanyan; Sun, Ying; Wen, Jiaming; Barrett, Christopher B.


Browne, Chris; Matteson, David S.; McBride, Linden; Hu, Leiqiu; Liu, Yanyan; Sun, Ying; Wen, Jiaming; Barrett, Christopher B. 2021. Multivariate random forest prediction of poverty and malnutrition prevalence. PLoS ONE 16(9): e0255519


Models; Data; Forecasting; Surveys; Remote Sensing; Technology; Machine Learning; Capacity Development; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Poverty




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Journal Article

Working Paper

Transitioning to nutrition-sensitive food environments in Ghana: Triple sector strategies to reduce the triple burden of malnutrition

2021Mockshell, Jonathan; Asante-Addo, Collins; Andam, Kwaw S.; Asante, Felix Ankomah


Transitioning to nutrition-sensitive food environments in Ghana: Triple sector strategies to reduce the triple burden of malnutrition

The triple burden of malnutrition is growing in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Increasing access to affordable ultra-processed foods in the food environment is contributing to this problem. While existing explanations for this triple burden of malnutrition have examined demand-side factors of food choices, the supply-side policies relating to the food environment drivers, ideas and actors’ interests have been neglected. Using a case study of Ghana, this analysis combines the Advocacy Coalition Framework with the narrative analysis to unpack the supply-side food environment policies and actors driving the triple burden of malnutrition. Applying a mixed methods analysis of the transcripts, the narratives reveal public, private and civil society organization (CSO) coalitions with different ideas and interests in the food environment. In the private sector coalition, food companies engage in aggressive advertising and are driven by profit motives – leading to the supply of more ultra-processed foods. The public sector is failing to regulate the market because of inadequate policies, limited institutional capacities and coordination, enforcement challenges, inadequate resources, and self-interest. Social activism by CSOs, for example, pressuring food companies to deliver healthy foods and holding the government accountable, is also lacking. The result is a triple sector (public, private and CSO) failure in the urban food environment with consequences on the availability of ultra-processed foods. This has long-lasting implications for the reduction of the triple burden of malnutrition and the achievement of zero hunger. To accelerate nutrition-sensitive food environments that deliver healthier food options, we argue that it is critical to entertain the ideas and interests of stakeholders and implement food environment policies that cover private and public sector initiatives, as well as increase consumer awareness.

Year published



Mockshell, Jonathan; Asante-Addo, Collins; Andam, Kwaw S.; Asante, Felix Ankomah


Mockshell, Jonathan; Asante-Addo, Collins; Andam, Kwaw S.; and Asante, Felix A. 2021. Transitioning to nutrition-sensitive food environments in Ghana: Triple sector strategies to reduce the triple burden of malnutrition. IFPRI Discussion Paper 2038. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Africa; Food Environment; Policies; Urban Areas; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Civil Society Organizations; Ultraprocessed Foods; Governance




Open Access


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Working Paper

Journal Article

Making the achievement of zero hunger and malnutrition a priority: A critical assessment of recent national Zero Hunger Strategic Reviews from Asia and the Pacific

2021Benson, Todd


Making the achievement of zero hunger and malnutrition a priority: A critical assessment of recent national Zero Hunger Strategic Reviews from Asia and the Pacific

Background and Objectives: Through Zero Hunger Strategic Reviews, national governments articulate how they can achieve the second Sustainable Development Goal targets of zero hunger and zero malnutrition by 2030. To suggest how such strategic reviews might accelerate progress towards those goals, an in-depth critical assessment was undertaken of Zero Hunger Strategic Reviews carried out between 2015 and 2019 in 13 countries in Asia and the Pacific. The appraisal focused on the conceptual frameworks used to guide the content of the processes and, secondly, on how well those involved understood the factors that drive or block change in their respective countries. Methods and Study Design: The qualitative study involved a desk review of: (1) all reports produced for the 13 strategic reviews; (2) guidance notes for their implementation; and (3) conceptual frameworks pertinent to them. Results: More explicit use of globally accepted conceptual frameworks would strengthen the national strategic reviews. More importantly, none considered closely the challenges that would arise as efforts are made to obtain approval for reforms and increased allocations of public resources to address hunger and malnutrition more effectively. Conclusions: Any recommendations from such strategic reviews will need to be assessed against competing development priorities and then planned, coordinated, and implemented effectively. While accurate technical understanding is necessary to take strategic action, the best plans to eliminate hunger and malnutrition will flounder if efforts are not also made to advocate for change, to build political leadership, and to hold accountable those responsible for the actions required.

Year published



Benson, Todd


Benson, Todd. 2021. Making the achievement of zero hunger and malnutrition a priority: A critical assessment of recent national Zero Hunger Strategic Reviews from Asia and the Pacific. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 30(2): 316-328.


Asia; Oceania; Frameworks; Sustainable Development Goals; Policies; Conceptual Frameworks; Hunger; Malnutrition; Assessment; Goal 2 Zero Hunger




Open Access


Source record

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Supporting efforts to address malnutrition in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in India: An emergency need

2021Menon, Purnima; de Wagt, Arjan; Reddy, Vignesh; Reddy, Kartheek; Pandav, Chandrakant Sambhaji; Avula, Rasmi; Mathews, Pratima


Supporting efforts to address malnutrition in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in India: An emergency need

India has been on a steady march to address malnutrition in the last decade. The nutrition community has worked on building consensus on key actions, implementation platforms were put in place and financing for nutrition slowly increased. Under the strong leadership of the Prime Minister, a revolutionary program to address malnutrition was launched in 2018. As actions under the mission accelerated, the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in early 2020. Affecting health systems, food systems, nutrition programs, social safety nets, and the economy, the pandemic has the potential to exacerbate the challenge of malnutrition in multiple ways. India can mitigate some of the possible ways in which COVID-19 will affect malnutrition but will require strong leadership and continued commitment, adaptation of the national nutrition mission, strengthening of the social safety net and innovative evidence-based data to take informed decisions, implement them and ensure feedback to take necessary corrective action. In this article, we outline some challenges and key areas for action. We conclude that India's nutrition journey is too important to be derailed by a crisis like COVID-19. This is a clarion call for the nutrition community in India to rally strongly to support continued attention to malnutrition in all its forms, to generate relevant evidence, and to support and engage all of society to urgently and adequately address malnutrition in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have come too far to turn back now.

Year published



Menon, Purnima; de Wagt, Arjan; Reddy, Vignesh; Reddy, Kartheek; Pandav, Chandrakant Sambhaji; Avula, Rasmi; Mathews, Pratima


Menon, Purnima; de Wagt, Arjan; Reddy, Vignesh; Reddy, Kartheek; Pandav, Chandrakant Sambhaji; Avula, Rasmi; Mathews, Pratima; et al. 2021. Supporting efforts to address malnutrition in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in India: An emergency need. Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 14(4): 369-373.




Southern Asia; Asia; Covid-19; Anganwadi; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Physical Distancing; Pandemics




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Vulnerability of agriculture to climate change increases the risk of child malnutrition: Evidence from a large-scale observational study in India

2021Mahapatra, Bidhubhusan; Walia, Monika; Rao, Chitiprolu Anantha Rama; Raju, Bellapukonda Murali Krishna; Saggurti, Niranjan


Vulnerability of agriculture to climate change increases the risk of child malnutrition: Evidence from a large-scale observational study in India

Introduction: The impact of climate change on agriculture and food security has been examined quite thoroughly by researchers globally as well as in India. While existing studies provide evidence on how climate variability affects the food security and nutrition, research examining the extent of effect vulnerability of agriculture to climate change can have on nutrition in India are scarce. This study examined a) the association between the degree of vulnerability in agriculture to climate change and child nutrition at the micro-level b) spatial effect of climate vulnerability on child nutrition, and c) the geographical hotspots of both vulnerability in agriculture to climate change and child malnutrition. Methods: The study used an index on vulnerability of agriculture to climate change and linked it to child malnutrition indicators (stunting, wasting, underweight and anaemia) from the National Family Health Survey 4 (2015–16). Mixed-effect and spatial autoregressive models were fitted to assess the direction and strength of the relationship between vulnerability and child malnutrition at macro and micro level. Spatial analyses examined the within-district and across-district spill-over effects of climate change vulnerability on child malnutrition. Results: Both mixed-effect and spatial autoregressive models found that the degree of vulnerability was positively associated with malnutrition among children. Children residing in districts with a very high degree of vulnerability were more like to have malnutrition than those residing in districts with very low vulnerability. The analyses found that the odds of a child suffering from stunting increased by 32%, wasting by 42%, underweight by 45%, and anaemia by 63% if the child belonged to a district categorised as very highly vulnerable when compared to those categorised as very low. The spatial analysis also suggested a high level of clustering in the spatial distribution of vulnerability and malnutrition. Hotspots of child malnutrition and degree of vulnerability were mostly found to be clustered around western-central part of India. Conclusion: Study highlights the consequences that vulnerability of agriculture to climate change can have on child nutrition. Strategies should be developed to mitigate the effect of climate change on areas where there is a clustering of vulnerability and child malnutrition.

Year published



Mahapatra, Bidhubhusan; Walia, Monika; Rao, Chitiprolu Anantha Rama; Raju, Bellapukonda Murali Krishna; Saggurti, Niranjan


Mahapatra, Bidhubhusan; Walia, Monika; Rao, Chitiprolu Anantha Rama; Raju, Bellapukonda Murali Krishna; and Saggurti, Niranjan. 2021. Vulnerability of agriculture to climate change increases the risk of child malnutrition: Evidence from a large-scale observational study in India. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253637.




Southern Asia; Asia; Climate; Vulnerability; Child Health; Agriculture; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children; Climate Change




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Opinion Piece

Better living through nutrition: How tackling malnutrition can transform Africa’s development

2021Covic, Namukolo


Better living through nutrition: How tackling malnutrition can transform Africa’s development

Despite the will, many developing countries lack the resources to deal with a problem that ravages at both the national and individual level. We need smarter, context-specific solutions on nutrition that can catalyze sustainable change.

Year published



Covic, Namukolo


Covic, Namukolo. 2021. Better living through nutrition: How tackling malnutrition can transform Africa’s development. SDG Action. First available online on June 17, 2021.


Western Africa; Northern Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Africa; Eastern Africa; Southern Africa; Middle Africa; Health; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Food Security; Diet




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Opinion Piece


Ending hunger, malnutrition, and poverty

2021International Food Policy Research Institute


Ending hunger, malnutrition, and poverty

The combination of IFPRI’s cutting-edge research and Japan’s advanced technologies and know-how enable our work with Japan to not only address the current emergencies but also build resilience to future crises and support sustainable development. Throughout its work, IFPRI conducts rigorous evaluations, using innovative methods such as randomized controlled trials (RCT), to measure the impact of interventions and develop clear evidence to inform policymaking.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2021. Ending hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). .




Asia; Eastern Asia; Health; Hunger; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Poverty; Food Systems




Open Access


Source record

Record type


Journal Article

The processed food revolution in African food systems and the double burden of malnutrition

2021Reardon, Thomas; Tschirley, David; Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O.; Awokuse, Titus; Fanzo, Jessica; Minten, Bart; Vos, Rob


The processed food revolution in African food systems and the double burden of malnutrition

African consumers have purchased increasing amounts of processed food over the past 50 years. The opportunity cost of time of women and men has increased as more of them work outside the home, driving them to buy processed food and food prepared away from home to save arduous home-processing and preparation labor. In the past several decades, this trend has accelerated with a surge on the supply side of the processing sector and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large private companies making massive aggregate investments. Packaged, industrialized, ultra-processed foods and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are a growing proportion of the processed food consumed. Also, in the past several decades, overweight and obesity have joined the long-standing high levels of stunting and wasting among children and extreme thinness among women of childbearing age. Together these phenomena have formed a double burden of malnutrition (DBM). The DBM has emerged as an important health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. The rise of the DBM and the increase in ultra-processed food consumption are linked. makers face a dilemma. On the one hand, purchases of processed food are driven by long-term factors, such as urbanization, increased income, and employment changes, and thus cannot change the pursuit of convenience and labor-saving food. Moreover, much processed food, like packaged milk, is a boon to nutrition, and the processed food system is a major source of jobs for women. On the other hand, the portion (some 10–30%) of processed food that is ultra-processed is a public health challenge, and must address its detrimental effects on disease burden. The global experience suggests that double duty actions are most important as are selected policies focused on healthy weaning foods for addressing stunting and taxes on SSBs, nutrition labeling, and other measures can steer consumers away from unhealthy ultra-processed foods to addressing obesity and possibly child nutrition and stunting. We recommend that African governments consider these options, but that the current extreme fragmentation of the processing sector, consisting of vast numbers of informal SMEs in sub-Saharan Africa, and the limited administrative/implementation capacity of many African governments require pursuing this path only gradually.

Year published



Reardon, Thomas; Tschirley, David; Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O.; Awokuse, Titus; Fanzo, Jessica; Minten, Bart; Vos, Rob


Reardon, Thomas; Tschirley, David; Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O.; Awokuse, Titus; Fanzo, Jessica; Minten, Bart; Vos, Rob; et al. 2021. The processed food revolution in African food systems and the double burden of malnutrition. Global Food Security 28(March 2021): 100466.


Western Africa; Northern Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Africa; Eastern Africa; Southern Africa; Middle Africa; Infant Foods; Stunting; Processed Foods; Malnutrition; Small and Medium Enterprises; Food Consumption; Consumers; Ultraprocessed Foods; Food Systems; Obesity; Food Processing




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

The double burden of malnutrition in India: Trends and inequalities (2006–2016)

2021Nguyen, Phuong Hong; Scott, Samuel; Headey, Derek D.; Singh, Nishmeet; Tran, Lan Mai; Menon, Purnima; Ruel, Marie T.


The double burden of malnutrition in India: Trends and inequalities (2006–2016)

Rapid urban expansion has important health implications. This study examines trends and inequalities in undernutrition and overnutrition by gender, residence (rural, urban slum, urban non-slum), and wealth among children and adults in India. We used National Family Health Survey data from 2006 and 2016 (n = 311,182 children 0-5y and 972,192 adults 15-54y in total). We calculated differences, slope index of inequality (SII) and concentration index to examine changes over time and inequalities in outcomes by gender, residence, and wealth quintile. Between 2006 and 2016, child stunting prevalence dropped from 48% to 38%, with no gender differences in trends, whereas child overweight/obesity remained at ~7–8%. In both years, stunting prevalence was higher in rural and urban slum households compared to urban non-slum households. Within-residence, wealth inequalities were large for stunting (SII: -33 to -19 percentage points, pp) and declined over time only in urban non-slum households. Among adults, underweight prevalence decreased by ~13 pp but overweight/obesity doubled (10% to 21%) between 2006 and 2016. Rises in overweight/obesity among women were greater in rural and urban slum than urban non-slum households. Within-residence, wealth inequalities were large for both underweight (SII -35 to -12pp) and overweight/obesity (+16 to +29pp) for adults, with the former being more concentrated among poorer households and the latter among wealthier households. In conclusion, India experienced a rapid decline in child and adult undernutrition between 2006 and 2016 across genders and areas of residence. Of great concern, however, is the doubling of adult overweight/obesity in all areas during this period and the rise in wealth inequalities in both rural and urban slum households. With the second largest urban population globally, India needs to aggressively tackle the multiple burdens of malnutrition, especially among rural and urban slum households and develop actions to maintain trends in undernutrition reduction without exacerbating the rapidly rising problems of overweight/obesity.

Year published



Nguyen, Phuong Hong; Scott, Samuel; Headey, Derek D.; Singh, Nishmeet; Tran, Lan Mai; Menon, Purnima; Ruel, Marie T.


Nguyen, Phuong Hong; Scott, Samuel; Headey, Derek D.; Singh, Nishmeet; Tran, Lan Mai; Menon, Purnima; and Ruel, Marie T. 2021. The double burden of malnutrition in India: Trends and inequalities (2006–2016). PLoS ONE 16(2): e0247856.




Southern Asia; Asia; Maternal and Child Health; Gender; Health; Boys; Girls; Capacity Development; Thinness; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children; Men; Diet; Obesity; Women




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

The double burden of malnutrition: Further perspective: Authors' reply

2020Hawkes, Corinna; Ruel, Marie T.; Wells, Jonathan C.; Popkin, Barry M.; Branca, Francesco


The double burden of malnutrition: Further perspective: Authors' reply

We thank Saskia Osendarp and colleagues, Mohammad Sorowar Hossain and colleagues, and Christine Stewart and colleagues for their responses to the Lancet Series on the double burden of malnutrition. They make some relevant points that we would like to address here.

Year published



Hawkes, Corinna; Ruel, Marie T.; Wells, Jonathan C.; Popkin, Barry M.; Branca, Francesco


Hawkes, Corinna; Ruel, Marie T.; Wells, Jonathan C.; Popkin, Barry M.; and Branca, Francesco. 2020. The double burden of malnutrition: Further perspective: Authors' reply. Lancet 396(10254): 815-816.


Health; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Trace Elements




Open Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Book Chapter

Biofortified pearl millet cultivars offer potential solution to tackle malnutrition in India

2020Govindaraj, Mahalingam; Virk, Parminder K.; Kannati, Anand; Cherian, Binu; Rai, K. N.; Anderson, Meike S.; Pfeiffer, Wolfgang H.


Biofortified pearl millet cultivars offer potential solution to tackle malnutrition in India

Dietary deficiency of micronutrients (iron, zinc, vitamin A), leading to micronutrient malnutrition or hiden hunger, has been recognized as a widespread food-related health problem, affecting more than 2 billion people worldwide (White and Broadley, 2009; Stein 2010; fao,2015; Darnton-Hill and Mkparu, 2015). This is primarily attributable to lack of affordability and access to diversified diet, such as fruits, vegetables and livestock products. As a consequence, women, children and infants, belonging to the poorer section of society are malnourished. In particular, deficiencies of iron and zinc are widespread, leading to numerous adverse health consequences , as they play a vital role in various physiological body functions.

Year published



Govindaraj, Mahalingam; Virk, Parminder K.; Kannati, Anand; Cherian, Binu; Rai, K. N.; Anderson, Meike S.; Pfeiffer, Wolfgang H.


Govindaraj, Mahalingam; Virk, Parminder K.; Kannati, Anand; Cherian, Binu; Rai, K. N.; Anderson, Meike S.; and Pfeiffer, Wolfgang H. 2020. Biofortified pearl millet cultivars offer potential solution to tackle malnutrition in India. In Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding, ed. Manjit Kang. Chapter 20, Pp. 385-396.




Southern Asia; Asia; Pearl Millet; Biofortification; Child Nutrition; Retinol; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Trace Elements; Iron; Diet; Maternal Nutrition; Zinc




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter


Tracking India’s progress on addressing malnutrition and enhancing the use of data to improve programs

2020Menon, Purnima; Avula, Rasmi; Sarswat, Esha; Mani, Sneha; Jangid, Manita


Tracking India’s progress on addressing malnutrition and enhancing the use of data to improve programs

Data systems and their usage are of great significance in the process of tracking malnutrition and improving programs. The key elements of a data system for nutrition include (1) data sources such as survey and administrative data and implementation research, (2) systems and processes for data use, and (3) data stewardship across a data value chain. The nutrition data value chain includes the prioritization of indicators, data collection, curation, analysis, and translation to policy and program recommendations and evidence based decisions. Finding the right fit for nutrition information systems is important and must include neither too little nor too much data; finding the data system that is the right fit for multiple decision makers is a big challenge. Developed together with NITI Aayog, this document covers issues that need to be considered in the strengthening of efforts to improve the availability and use of data generated through the work of POSHAN Abhiyaan, India’s National Nutrition Mission. The paper provides guidance for national-, state-, and district-level government officials and stakeholders regarding the use of data to track progress on nutrition interventions, immediate and underlying determinants, and outcomes. It examines the availability of data across a range of interventions in the POSHAN Abhiyaan framework, including population-based surveys and administrative data systems; it then makes recommendations for the improvement of data availability and use. To improve monitoring and data use, this document focuses on three questions: what types of indicators should be used; what types of data sources can be used; and with what frequency should progress on different indicator domains be assessed.

Year published



Menon, Purnima; Avula, Rasmi; Sarswat, Esha; Mani, Sneha; Jangid, Manita


Menon, Purnima; Avula, Rasmi; Sarswat, Esha; Mani, Sneha; Jangid, Manita; et al. 2020. Tracking India’s progress on addressing malnutrition and enhancing the use of data to improve programs. POSHAN Report 12. New Delhi, India: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Southern Asia; Asia; Data; Programmes; Malnutrition; Nutrition




Open Access

Record type


Journal Article

Malnutrition, hypertension risk, and correlates: An analysis of the 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey data for 15–19 years adolescent boys and girls

2020Azupogo, Fusta; Abizari, Abdul-Razak; Aurino, Elisabetta; Gelli, Aulo; Osendarp, Saskia J. M.


Malnutrition, hypertension risk, and correlates: An analysis of the 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey data for 15–19 years adolescent boys and girls

The sex differences in malnutrition and hypertension during adolescence is largely inconclusive. There is also a paucity of data on the sex-specific correlates of malnutrition and hypertension for adolescents. Hence, this study aimed to assess the association between malnutrition, pre-hypertension/hypertension (PHH) and sex among adolescents. The study also aimed to determine and contrast the factors associated with these risks in Ghana. We analysed data of non-pregnant adolescent girls (n = 857) and adolescent boys (n = 870) aged 15–19 years from the 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). We modelled the prevalence risk ratio (PRR) of malnutrition and PHH using Cox proportional hazard models. Compared to adolescent girls, boys were more than twice likely to be stunted (PRR = 2.58, 95% C.I (1.77, 3.76)) and underweight (PRR = 2.67, 95% C.I (1.41, 5.09)) but less likely to be overweight/obese (PRR = 0.85, 95% C.I (0.08, 0.29)). Boys were also about twice likely to have PHH (PRR = 1.96, 95% C.I (1.47, 2.59)) compared to their female peers. Girls were more at risk of the detrimental effects of poor education on stunting and PHH. Empowerment index while protective of stunting for girls (PRR = 0.82, 95% C.I (0.67, 0.99)) also increased their risk of overweight/obesity (PRR = 1.31, 95% C.I (1.02, 1.68)). A higher household wealth index (HWI) increased the risk of overweight/obesity for adolescent girls but was protective of stunting and PHH for adolescent boys. Improvement in household water, hygiene, and sanitation (WASH) reduced the risk of stunting by 15% for adolescent boys. Overall, our findings suggest a double-burden of malnutrition with an up-coming non-communicable disease burden for adolescents in Ghana. Our findings may also be highlighting the need to target adolescent boys alongside girls in nutrition and health intervention programmes.

Year published



Azupogo, Fusta; Abizari, Abdul-Razak; Aurino, Elisabetta; Gelli, Aulo; Osendarp, Saskia J. M.


Azupogo, Fusta; Abizari, Abdul-Razak; Aurino, Elisabetta; Gelli, Aulo; Osendarp, Saskia J. M.; et al. 2020. Malnutrition, hypertension risk, and correlates: An analysis of the 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey data for 15–19 years adolescent boys and girls. Nutrients 12(9): 2737.




Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Western Africa; Gender; Adolescents; Health; Child Health; Stunting; Thinness; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Hypertension; Overweight




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Incidence correction factors for moderate and severe acute child malnutrition from two longitudinal cohorts in Mali and Burkina Faso

2020Barba, Francisco M.; Huybregts, Lieven; Leroy, Jef L.


Incidence correction factors for moderate and severe acute child malnutrition from two longitudinal cohorts in Mali and Burkina Faso

Child acute malnutrition (AM) is an important cause of child mortality. Accurately estimating its burden requires cumulative incidence data from longitudinal studies which are rarely available in low-income settings. In the absence of such data, the AM burden is approximated using prevalence estimates from cross-sectional surveys and the incidence correction factor Kâ , obtained from the few available cohorts that measured AM. We estimated K factors for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) from AM incidence and prevalence using representative cross-sectional baseline and longitudinal data from two cluster-randomized controlled trials (Innovative Approaches for the Prevention of Childhood Malnutrition—PROMIS) conducted between 2014 and 2017 in Burkina Faso and Mali. We compared K estimates using a complete (weight-for-length z score, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), edema) and partial (MUAC, edema) definition of SAM and MAM. K estimates ranged from 9.4 and 5.7 for SAM, and from 4.7 and 5.1 for MAM in Burkina Faso and Mali, respectively. The MUAC and edema-based definition of AM did not lead to different K estimates. Our results suggest that K can be reliably estimated when only MUAC and edema-based data are available. Additional studies, however, are required to confirm this finding in different settings.

Year published



Barba, Francisco M.; Huybregts, Lieven; Leroy, Jef L.


Barba, Francisco M.; Huybregts, Lieven; and Leroy, Jef L. 2020. Incidence correction factors for moderate and severe acute child malnutrition from two longitudinal cohorts in Mali and Burkina Faso. American Journal of Epidemiology 189(12): 1623–1627.


Mali; Burkina Faso


Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Western Africa; Child Nutrition; Malnutrition; Children; Cohort Studies; Longitudinal Studies




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Impacts of COVID-19 on childhood malnutrition and nutrition-related mortality

2020Headey, Derek D.; Heidkamp, Rebecca A.; Osendarp, Saskia J. M.; Ruel, Marie T.; Scott, Nick; Black, Robert; Bouis, Howarth E.


Impacts of COVID-19 on childhood malnutrition and nutrition-related mortality

The unprecedented global social and economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic poses grave risks to the nutritional status and survival of young children in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Of particular concern is an expected increase in child malnutrition, including wasting, due to steep declines in household incomes, changes in the availability and affordability of nutritious foods, and interruptions to health, nutrition, and social protection services. One in ten deaths among children younger than 5 years in LMICs is attributable to severe wasting because wasted children are at increased risk of mortality from infectious diseases. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 47 million children younger than 5 years were moderately or severely wasted, most living in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia.

Year published



Headey, Derek D.; Heidkamp, Rebecca A.; Osendarp, Saskia J. M.; Ruel, Marie T.; Scott, Nick; Black, Robert; Bouis, Howarth E.


Headey, Derek; Heidkamp, Rebecca A.; Osendarp, Saskia; Ruel, Marie T.; Scott, Nick; Black, Robert; Bouis, Howarth; et al. 2020. Impacts of COVID-19 on childhood malnutrition and nutrition-related mortality. Lancet 396(10250): 519-521.


Models; Child Nutrition; Health; Covid-19; Child Health; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Disease Prevention; Mortality




Open Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article


Progress towards ending hunger and malnutrition: A cross-country cluster analysis

2020Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations; International Food Policy Research Institute; Laborde Debucquet, David; Mamun, Abdullah; Vos, Rob


Progress towards ending hunger and malnutrition: A cross-country cluster analysis

This report provides a quantitative assessment of progress made towards the sustainable development goal of ending hunger and all forms of malnutrition since 1990. Using a cluster analysis, it categorizes country performance along three dimensions: (1) food security and nutrition outcomes; (2) structural drivers of food security and nutrition; and (3) past and present policy interventions in support of food security and nutrition. Key findings show that much progress has been made towards the goal of ending hunger. Yet, many countries continue to face moderate to high degrees of undernourishment, especially where economies made least progress in transitioning towards high-productivity, modern agriculture and non-farm economic development and where policy stances have been weak in promoting agricultural development, reducing gender inequalities, and improving infrastructure and basic social services. The decline in undernourishment has come with a rise in the prevalence in overweight and obesity. The spread of this form of malnutrition has come with dietary shifts towards the consumption of more animalsourced and processed foods that have accompanied urbanization and income growth. By 2015, the vast majority of countries faced moderate to high prevalence of adult overweight, and this form of malnutrition is also on the rise in countries with still significant rates of child undernourishment. No country in the world is showing declines in the rate of adult overweight.

Year published



Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations; International Food Policy Research Institute; Laborde Debucquet, David; Mamun, Abdullah; Vos, Rob


Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO); and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2020. Progress towards ending hunger and malnutrition: A cross-country cluster analysis. Rome, Italy: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO).


Cluster Sampling; Policies; Hunger; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Productivity; Food Security; Overweight; Obesity




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-SA-3.0-IGO


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type



The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on maternal and child malnutrition in Myanmar: What to expect, and how to protect

2020Headey, Derek D.; Cho, Ame; Goudet, Sophie; Oketch, Jecinter Akinyi; Oo, Than Zaw


The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on maternal and child malnutrition in Myanmar: What to expect, and how to protect

The COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar poses a very serious risk to the nutritional status of vulnerable populations, notably women and children, as well as poor urban populations and internally displaced persons. The COVID-19 crisis will hit vulnerable groups through multiple mechanisms.

Year published



Headey, Derek D.; Cho, Ame; Goudet, Sophie; Oketch, Jecinter Akinyi; Oo, Than Zaw


Headey, Derek D.; Cho, Ame; Goudet, Sophie; Oketch, Jecinter Akinyi; and Oo, Than Zaw. 2020. The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on maternal and child malnutrition in Myanmar: What to expect, and how to protect. Myanmar SSP Policy Note 14. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Child Nutrition; Covid-19; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Maternal Nutrition




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type


Opinion Piece

Malnutrition and epidemics are intertwined: That makes fixing food systems crucial

2020Gillespie, Stuart


Malnutrition and epidemics are intertwined: That makes fixing food systems crucial

Malnutrition is by far the biggest driver of ill-health and premature mortality in every region of the world. A slow-burn attritional problem, it does enormous damage. The COVID-19 epidemic that’s sweeping the world, meanwhile, brings a series of massive short-wave shocks. Both the epidemic and malnutrition will generate long-wave impacts, for years to come. They are also likely to interact with each other – badly. This will be particularly true in countries in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Many of these countries’ governments, health and food systems, communities and households have limited capacity to respond to nutritional challenges or to an epidemic. This means that the potential exists for malnutrition to exacerbate the health consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic, and vice versa.

Year published



Gillespie, Stuart


Gillespie, Stuart. 2020. Malnutrition and epidemics are intertwined: That makes fixing food systems crucial. The Conversation. First published online on April 20, 2020.


Health; Covid-19; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Epidemics; Food Security; Mortality; Food Systems




Open AccessCC-BY-ND-4.0


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Opinion Piece


Tracking India’s progress on addressing malnutrition: What will it take?


Menon, Purnima; Avula, Rasmi; Sarswat, Esha; Mani, Sneha; Jangid, Manita; Singh, Anamika; Kaur, Supreet; Dubey, Alok Kumar; Gupta, Shuchita; Nair, Divya

Agarwal, Pulkit; Agrawal, Nitya


Tracking India’s progress on addressing malnutrition: What will it take?

India has a robust policy framework for nutrition that covers most evidence-based interventions (Vir et al. 2013), and it has in place large-scale national program platforms – the Integrated Child Development Services and the National Rural Health Mission – with the mandate to deliver diverse nutrition interventions (Avula et al. 2013). The National Nutrition Strategy (NITI Aayog 2017) and POSHAN Abhiyaan, India’s national nutrition mission launched in early 2018, provide an updated strategic framework for action to improve nutritional outcomes for children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers. The mission-mode approach provides an impetus to strengthen not only the implementation but also the monitoring and measurement of progress. The mission explicitly notes that NITI Aayog has a mandate to lead on the monitoring and evaluation of POSHAN Abhiyaan. This Policy Note, developed jointly with NITI Aayog and IDinsight, aims to provide guidance to national, state, and district level government officials/stakeholders on issues to consider on the use of data to track progress on nutrition interventions, immediate and underlying determinants, and outcomes. It proposes an indicator framework for POSHAN Abhiyaan and examines availability of data on these indicators across both population-based surveys and administrative data systems. Finally, it lays out issues to be considered in strengthening efforts to improve the use of data in the context of POSHAN Abhiyaan and makes key recommendations on improving data availability and improving the use of currently available data.

Year published



Menon, Purnima; Avula, Rasmi; Sarswat, Esha; Mani, Sneha; Jangid, Manita; Singh, Anamika; Kaur, Supreet; Dubey, Alok Kumar; Gupta, Shuchita; Nair, Divya; Agarwal, Pulkit; Agrawal, Nitya


Menon, Purnima; Avula, Rasmi; Sarswat, Esha; Mani, Sneha; Jangid, Manita; Singh, Anamika; Kaur, Supreet; Dubey, Alok Kumar; Gupta, Shuchita; Nair, Divya; Agarwal, Pulkit; and Agrawal, Nitya. 2020. Tracking India’s progress on addressing malnutrition: What will it take? POSHAN Policy Note 34. New Delhi, India: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Southern Asia; Asia; Infants; Anaemia; Child Nutrition; Programmes; Nutrition Policies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Wasting Disease (nutritional Disorder); Breastfeeding; Maternal Nutrition




Open Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type


Journal Article

Double-duty actions: Seizing programme and policy opportunities to address malnutrition in all its forms

2020Hawkes, Corinna; Ruel, Marie T.; Salm, Leah; Sinclair, Bryony; Branca, Francesco


Double-duty actions: Seizing programme and policy opportunities to address malnutrition in all its forms

Year published



Hawkes, Corinna; Ruel, Marie T.; Salm, Leah; Sinclair, Bryony; Branca, Francesco


Hawkes, Corinna; Ruel, Marie T.; Salm, Leah; Sinclair, Bryony; and Branca, Francesco. 2020. Double-duty actions: Seizing programme and policy opportunities to address malnutrition in all its forms. Lancet 395(10218): 142-155.


Therapeutic Diets; Metabolic Disorders; Health Foods; Frameworks; Policies; Non-communicable Diseases; Micronutrient Deficiencies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Wasting Disease (nutritional Disorder); Overweight; Obesity




Limited Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Opinion Piece

The double burden of malnutrition: Need for urgent policy action

2020Swaminathan, Soumya; Menon, Purnima


The double burden of malnutrition: Need for urgent policy action

Last year was a remarkable one for nutrition in India. After years of slow and somewhat tentative action to acknowledge, understand and act on the challenge of undernutrition, India’s National Nutrition Mission brought focus and ambition and a range of actions followed. National and State governments were mobilised, district administrators engaged, the private sector mobilised in its own way, while civil society continued to push for accountability and action. As researchers committed to evidence-informed policies and programmes, we welcome India’s nutrition efforts. We call for even stronger systems to support the use of data and science to inform India’s efforts, to track progress and to learn from both successes and failures.

Year published



Swaminathan, Soumya; Menon, Purnima


Swaminathan, Soumya; and Menon, Purnima. 2020. The double burden of malnutrition: Need for urgent policy action. The Hindu. First published on January 4, 2020.




Southern Asia; Asia; Policies; Health; Malnutrition; Nutrition




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Opinion Piece

Journal Article

Impact on child acute malnutrition of integrating small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements into community-level screening for acute malnutrition: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Mali

2019Huybregts, Lieven; Le Port, Agnès; Becquey, Elodie; Zongrone, Amanda; Barba, Francisco M.; Rawat, Rahul; Leroy, Jef L.; Ruel, Marie T.


Impact on child acute malnutrition of integrating small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements into community-level screening for acute malnutrition: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Mali

Community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) has been widely adopted to treat childhood acute malnutrition (AM), but its effectiveness in program settings is often limited by implementation constraints, low screening coverage, and poor treatment uptake and adherence. This study addresses the problem of low screening coverage by testing the impact of distributing small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNSs) at monthly screenings held by community health volunteers (CHVs). Screening sessions included behavior change communication (BCC) on nutrition, health, and hygiene practices (both study arms) and SQ-LNSs (one study arm). Impact was assessed on AM screening and treatment coverage and on AM incidence and prevalence.

Year published



Huybregts, Lieven; Le Port, Agnès; Becquey, Elodie; Zongrone, Amanda; Barba, Francisco M.; Rawat, Rahul; Leroy, Jef L.; Ruel, Marie T.


Huybregts, Lieven; Le Port, Agnès; Becquey, Elodie; Zongrone, Amanda; Barba, Francisco M.; Rawat, Rahul; Leroy, Jef L.; and Ruel, Marie T. 2019. Impact on child acute malnutrition of integrating small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements into community-level screening for acute malnutrition: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Mali. PLoS Med 16(8): e1002892.




Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Screening; Behavioural Sciences; Capacity Development; Supplements; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children; Cluster-randomized Controlled Trial; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Impact on child acute malnutrition of integrating a preventive nutrition package into facility-based screening for acute malnutrition during well-baby consultation: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Burkina Faso

2019Becquey, Elodie; Huybregts, Lieven; Zongrone, Amanda; Le Port, Agnès; Leroy, Jef L.; Rawat, Rahul; Touré, Mariama; Ruel, Marie T.


Impact on child acute malnutrition of integrating a preventive nutrition package into facility-based screening for acute malnutrition during well-baby consultation: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Burkina Faso

Community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) is a highly efficacious approach for treating acute malnutrition (AM) in children who would otherwise be at significantly increased risk of mortality. In program settings, however, CMAM’s effectiveness is limited because of low screening coverage of AM, in part because of the lack of perceived benefits for caregivers. In Burkina Faso, monthly screening for AM of children <2 years of age is conducted during well-baby consultations (consultation du nourrisson sain [CNS]) at health centers. We hypothesized that the integration of a preventive package including age-appropriate behavior change communication (BCC) on nutrition, health, and hygiene practices and a monthly supply of small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNSs) to the monthly screening would increase AM screening and treatment coverage and decrease the incidence and prevalence of AM.

Year published



Becquey, Elodie; Huybregts, Lieven; Zongrone, Amanda; Le Port, Agnès; Leroy, Jef L.; Rawat, Rahul; Touré, Mariama; Ruel, Marie T.


Becquey, Elodie; Huybregts, Lieven; Zongrone, Amanda; Le Port, Agnès; Leroy, Jef L.; Rawat, Rahul; Touré, Mariama; and Ruel, Marie T. 2019. Impact on child acute malnutrition of integrating a preventive nutrition package into facility-based screening for acute malnutrition during well-baby consultation: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Burkina Faso. PLoS Med 16(8): e1002877.


Burkina Faso


Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Screening; Behavioural Sciences; Capacity Development; Supplements; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children; Cluster-randomized Controlled Trial; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Opinion Piece

Biofortified staples may hold the key to India’s rural malnutrition

2019Verma, Smriti; Kumar, Anjani


Biofortified staples may hold the key to India’s rural malnutrition

The National elections in India may well be over, but the persistent issue of malnutrition still holds the nation in its tight grip. And yet, of the myriads of topical issues that comprised political propaganda, including caste, religion, employment, farmer upliftment, and even social transfers, none of the political parties raised this critical issue. The twin problems of malnutrition and nutritional insecurity are particularly severe in rural India.

Year published



Verma, Smriti; Kumar, Anjani


Verma, Smriti; and Kumar, Anjani. 2019. Biofortified staples may hold the key to India’s rural malnutrition. Thomson Reuters Foundation News. July 08, 2019.




Southern Asia; Asia; Biofortification; Public Distribution Systems; Rice; Malnutrition; Diet




Open Access


Source record

Record type

Opinion Piece


Stories of change: How Rwanda created an enabling environment for reducing malnutrition (P22-011-19)

2019Iruhiriye, Elyse; Olney, Deanna K.; Heckert, Jessica; Ramani, Gayathri V.; Frongillo, Edward A.; Niyongira, Emmanuel


Stories of change: How Rwanda created an enabling environment for reducing malnutrition (P22-011-19)

Eliminating malnutrition is on many countries’ political agendas but knowledge of how enabling environments are created and used is needed. We assessed the drivers of change in stunting reduction among children <5 y of age in Rwanda and contributors to differential reduction over 10–25 y.

Year published



Iruhiriye, Elyse; Olney, Deanna K.; Heckert, Jessica; Ramani, Gayathri V.; Frongillo, Edward A.; Niyongira, Emmanuel


Iruhiriye, Elyse; Olney, Deanna K.; Heckert, Jessica; Ramani, Gayathri; Frongillo, Edward A.; and Niyongira, Emmanuel. 2019. Stories of change: How Rwanda created an enabling environment for reducing malnutrition (P22-011-19). Current Developments in Nutrition 3(Supplement 1): 1936.




Middle Africa; Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Eastern Africa; Child Nutrition; Stunting; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Environment; Leadership




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Double burden of malnutrition: The role of framing in development of political priority in the context of rising diet-related non-communicable diseases in Tamil Nadu, India (P22-005-19)

2019Constantinides, Shilpa; Blake, Christine E.; Frongillo, Edward A.; Avula, Rasmi; Thow, Anne-Marie


Double burden of malnutrition: The role of framing in development of political priority in the context of rising diet-related non-communicable diseases in Tamil Nadu, India (P22-005-19)

In low- and middle-income countries, non-communicable disease (NCD) prevalence is increasing while undernutrition persists, resulting in a double-burden of malnutrition. How policy actors frame malnutrition may shape policy, programming, and investment. In India, where NCDs are rising rapidly and undernutrition persists throughout the country, much of food and health policy is decentralized, but little is known of how the double burden of malnutrition is understood at the state level. This study aimed to identify and compare frames and priorities for nutrition used by relevant policy actors to help understand the narrative emerging around policy solutions for the double burden of malnutrition.

Year published



Constantinides, Shilpa; Blake, Christine E.; Frongillo, Edward A.; Avula, Rasmi; Thow, Anne-Marie


Constantinides, Shilpa; Blake, Christine E.; Frongillo, Edward A.; Avula, Rasmi; and Thow, Anne-Marie. 2019. Double burden of malnutrition: The role of framing in development of political priority in the context of rising diet-related non-communicable diseases in Tamil Nadu, India (P22-005-19). Current Developments in Nutrition 3(Supplement 1): 1929.




Southern Asia; Asia; Non-communicable Diseases; Food Policies; Health Policies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Diet; Obesity




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Double duty actions to tackle all forms of malnutrition (P10-053-19)

2019Ruel, Marie T.; Hawkes, Corinna


Double duty actions to tackle all forms of malnutrition (P10-053-19)

Most countries are now experiencing a double burden of malnutrition (DBM), characterized by the coexistence of nutritional deficiencies (underweight, wasting, stunting, micronutrient deficiencies) and overweight/obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases (obesity/DR-NCDs). Actions to address the two sides of the DBM are typically managed by separate communities, policies, programs, governance structures, and funding streams. Double duty actions, defined as actions that simultaneously address nutritional deficiencies and obesity/DR-NCDs, have been proposed as a win-win solution to tackling malnutrition in all its forms. The objective of the work was to explore opportunities—and make recommendations—for double duty actions to be delivered by programs and policies in key sectors such as health, social protection, education, and agriculture.

Year published



Ruel, Marie T.; Hawkes, Corinna


Ruel, Marie T.; and Hawkes, Corinna. 2019. Double duty actions to tackle all forms of malnutrition (P10-053-19). Current Developments in Nutrition 3(Supplement 1): 814.


Stunting; Thinness; Micronutrient Deficiencies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Wasting Disease (nutritional Disorder); Obesity




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type


Conference Paper

Effect of conflict and food price shocks on calorie intake and acute malnutrition in Nigeria: A micro-panel data analysis

2019Fadare, Olusegun; Akerele, Dare; Mavrotas, George; Ogunniyi, Adebayo


Effect of conflict and food price shocks on calorie intake and acute malnutrition in Nigeria: A micro-panel data analysis

Food insecurity and malnutrition are being worsened in countries that are exposed to armed conflict. Nigeria has witnessed a decade of protracted armed conflict and civil unrest. Many civilians have died and some farming communities have been sacked as a result. This study uses fixed-effect and random-effect models on a nationally-representative household panel data– Nigeria Living Standard Measurement Survey and Armed Conflict and Event Location Data, to examine the linkages between conflict, food price shocks, and calorie intake and acute malnutrition (wasting) among children. The prevalence of calorie intake inadequacy and wasting increase across the years in conflict-prone areas. Empirical results suggest that increases in food prices, especially staples have a depressing effects on calorie intake and increasing influence on wasting prevalence. Surprisingly, there appears to be a decrease likelihood of wasting among households in conflict-prone areas despite relatively low level of calorie intake. This result may be indicative of access to certain nutrition-related non-food factors capable of reinforcing the available calorie intake in the areas. Although sensitively guided food pricing policy and prevention of conflicts are critical for improve calorie intake and nutrition outcome, greater reduction in wasting prevalence may be achieved if other nutrition-related factors are considered.

Year published



Fadare, Olusegun; Akerele, Dare; Mavrotas, George; Ogunniyi, Adebayo


Fadare, Olusegun; Akerele, D.; Mavrotas, George; and Ogunniyi, Adebayo. 2019. Effect of conflict and food price shocks on calorie intake and acute malnutrition in Nigeria: A micro-panel data analysis. Presented at the 93rd Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, in University of Warwick, England, April 15-17, 2019.




Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Child Nutrition; Nutrient Intake; Malnutrition; Wasting Disease (nutritional Disorder); Famine; Food Security; Conflicts; Food Prices




Open Access


Source record

Record type

Conference Paper

Journal Article

Effects of multiannual, seasonal unconditional cash transfers on food security and dietary diversity in rural Burkina Faso: The Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM’Out) cluster-randomized controlled trial

2019Houngbe, Freddy; Tonguet-Papucci, Audrey; Nago, Eunice; Gauny, Josselin; Ait-Aïssa, Myriam; Huneau, Jean-François; Kolsteren, Patrick; Huybregts, Lieven


Effects of multiannual, seasonal unconditional cash transfers on food security and dietary diversity in rural Burkina Faso: The Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM’Out) cluster-randomized controlled trial

To evaluate the impact of multiannual, seasonal unconditional cash transfers (UCT) provided within the Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM’Out) research project on households’ food security and children’s and caregivers’ dietary diversity.A two-arm cluster-randomized controlled trial with sixteen villages in the intervention group and sixteen others in the control group. A monthly allowance of 10 000 XOF was transferred to caregivers of eligible children via a personal mobile phone account from July to November 2013 and 2014.Tapoa province in the eastern region of Burkina Faso.Data on household food access (monthly adequate household food provisioning (MAHFP); household food insecurity access scale (HFIAS)) and maternal and child dietary diversity were analysed for 1143 households, 1219 caregivers of reproductive age (15–49 years) and 1247 under-5 children from both intervention and control groups.The mean women dietary diversity score in intervention caregivers and the mean dietary diversity score (DDS) in intervention children with inadequate minimum DDS at baseline were respectively 7 % (95 % CI 2, 11 %;P= 0·002) and 17 % (95 % CI 11, 23 %;P<0·001) higher compared with the control group. However, no difference was found in the intervention effect on household food security measured with HFIAS (relative risk = 1·03; 95 % CI 0·92, 1·15;P= 0·565) and MAHFP (relative risk = 0·98; 95 % CI 0·96, 1·01;P= 0·426).Multiannual, seasonalUCT increased dietary diversity in children and their caregivers. They can be recommended in actions aiming to improve maternal and child diet diversity.

Year published



Houngbe, Freddy; Tonguet-Papucci, Audrey; Nago, Eunice; Gauny, Josselin; Ait-Aïssa, Myriam; Huneau, Jean-François; Kolsteren, Patrick; Huybregts, Lieven


Houngbe, Freddy; Tonguet-Papucci, Audrey; Nago, Eunice; Gauny, Josselin; Ait-Aïssa, Myriam; Huneau, Jean-François; Kolsteren, Patrick; and Huybregts, Lieven. 2019. Effects of multiannual, seasonal unconditional cash transfers on food security and dietary diversity in rural Burkina Faso: The Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM’Out) cluster-randomized controlled trial. Public Health Nutrition 22(6): 1089-1099.


Burkina Faso


Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Rural Population; Child Health; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children; Food Security; Cash Transfers; Dietary Diversity




Limited Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article


Responding to conflict: Does “Cash Plus” work for preventing malnutrition? New evidence from an impact evaluation of Yemen’s Cash for Nutrition Program

2019Kurdi, Sikandra; Breisinger, Clemens; Ibrahim, Hosam; Ghorpade, Yashodhan; Al-Ahmadi, Afrah


Responding to conflict: Does “Cash Plus” work for preventing malnutrition? New evidence from an impact evaluation of Yemen’s Cash for Nutrition Program

An impact evaluation of Yemen’s Cash for Nutrition program provides new evidence of the benefits of “cash plus” transfer programs to meet nutritional needs in conflict situations. Conflict has become a major driver of humanitarian crises globally, requiring responses that not only meet people’s immediate need for calories, but also ensure that aid recipients, especially children and pregnant women, receive adequate diet to avoid long-term impacts of malnutrition. The program in Yemen combined cash transfers with nutritional education using soft conditionality, with significant positive impacts on maternal and child dietary diversity, children’s height and weight measures, and the likelihood of children being diagnosed with moderate or severe acute malnutrition.

Year published



Kurdi, Sikandra; Breisinger, Clemens; Ibrahim, Hosam; Ghorpade, Yashodhan; Al-Ahmadi, Afrah


Kurdi, Sikandra; Breisinger, Clemens; Ibrahim, Hosam; Ghorpade, Yashodhan; and Al-Ahmadi, Afrah. 2019. Responding to conflict: Does “Cash Plus” work for preventing malnutrition?: New evidence from an impact evaluation of Yemen’s Cash for Nutrition Program. IFPRI Policy Brief. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Middle East; Asia; Western Asia; Nutrition Policies; Evaluation; Nutrition; Cash Transfers; Conflicts; Impact Assessment




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type


Book Chapter

Poverty, hunger, and malnutrition: Challenges and breakthroughs for rural revitalization

2019Kharas, Homi; Noe, Lorenz


Poverty, hunger, and malnutrition: Challenges and breakthroughs for rural revitalization

The first two Sustainable Development Goals call to end poverty, hunger, and malnutrition by 2030. This chapter looks at trends in rural poverty, hunger, and malnutrition, and the potential to put the world on course to meet these SDGs. The global rural poverty rate is currently 17 percent; the urban poverty rate is 7 percent. Rural areas lag behind in reducing the prevalence of child stunting and underweight among children. Investment in food and nutrition security is insufficient to address these problems, and the international trade and investment climate increases the challenge. Breakthroughs will require not only greater investment but also better data and a systems approach to addressing rural needs that integrates natural resources and other critical sectors. A systemwide transformation and revitalization is needed to raise rural incomes, improve rural food security and nutrition, safeguard environmental resources, and lift living conditions in rural areas.

Year published



Kharas, Homi; Noe, Lorenz


Kharas, Homi and Noe, Lorenz. 2019. Poverty, hunger, and malnutrition: Challenges and breakthroughs for rural revitalization. In 2019 Global food policy report. Chapter 3, Pp. 26-35. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


Rural Development Strategies; Food Policies; Nutrition Policies; Agricultural Policies; Sustainability; Private Investment; Hunger; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Agricultural Development; Rural Development; Systems Analysis; Food Security; Poverty; Rural Areas




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Unraveling India's malnutrition dilemma: A path toward nutrition-sensitive agriculture

2019Pingali, Prabhu; Abraham, Mathew


Unraveling India's malnutrition dilemma: A path toward nutrition-sensitive agriculture

In this chapter, we make the case for India to shift to a nutrition-focused agricultural sector that goes beyond staple grain productivity to emphasize the production and consumption of micronutrient-rich foods. The chapter first reviews the nutrition trends in India, characterized by slow progress in addressing high and variable rates of malnutrition. It then assesses the policies that have influenced agricultural growth trajectories and safety-net programs to highlight the major challenges and disconnects in agriculture and nutrition policy. Finally, it calls for integrating some elements that a food-systems approach would consider, such as income, availability of nutritious food, intra-household distribution, and the health environment, as a way forward in addressing India’s malnutrition dilemma.

Year published



Pingali, Prabhu; Abraham, Mathew


Pingali, Prabhu; and Abraham, Mathew. 2019. Unraveling India's malnutrition dilemma: A path toward nutrition-sensitive agriculture. In Agriculture for improved nutrition: Seizing the momentum. Chapter 17. Fan, Shenggen; Yosef, Sivan; Pandya-Lorch, Rajul (Eds.). Wallingford, UK: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and CABI.




Southern Asia; Asia; Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture; Nutrition Policies; Agricultural Policies; Sustainability; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Agricultural Development; Food Systems




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0


Source record

Record type

Book Chapter

Conference Proceedings

Accelerating the end of hunger and malnutrition: A global event: Synopsis

2019International Food Policy Research Institute


Accelerating the end of hunger and malnutrition: A global event: Synopsis

The world faces a fast-approaching due date: 2030 is the year by which 193 countries have committed themselves to ending hunger and malnutrition as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This commitment is supported by the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016–2025), designed to promote the achievement of SDG2—a necessary condition for most other SDGs—and the Compact2025 initiative, which was established to use data, research-based evidence, best practices, and South-South learning to accelerate progress in ending hunger and malnutrition. These efforts, however, represent only the first step along the path toward achieving a world free of hunger and malnutrition. Success depends on following up commitments with concerted actions that produce measurable and sustainable results. So far, the evidence shows that the world is moving far too slowly along this path. Despite the political will expressed in the SDGs, hunger persists, and malnutrition is climbing. These realities—and the conviction that the world could move faster—were the impetus and the backdrop for an international three-day conference—organized by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)—in Bangkok in November 2018. At the conference, more than 600 distinguished decisionmakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders—from across governments, NGOs, civil society, research organizations, and the private sector— gathered to discuss how to speed up progress. In a wide-ranging set of keynote addresses, panel discussions, and side events, they shared evidence and lessons learned from around the world on transforming food systems to reduce hunger and malnutrition. They explored opportunities for scaling up successful actions and innovations that can disrupt business-as-usual to build momentum and accelerate progress.

IFPRI-FAO Bangkok Conference. 28-30 November 2018. Bangkok, Thailand

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2019. Accelerating the end of hunger and malnutrition: A global event: Synopsis. Proceedings of IFPRI-FAO Bangkok Conference. 28-30 November 2018. Bangkok, Thailand. Washington, DC: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




South-eastern Asia; Hunger; Malnutrition; Food Security; Agricultural Policies; Nutrition




Open Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Conference Proceedings

Working Paper

Can unconditional cash transfers mitigate the impact of civil conflict on acute child malnutrition in Yemen?: Evidence from the national social protection monitoring survey

2019Ecker, Olivier; Maystadt, Jean-François; Guo, Zhe


Can unconditional cash transfers mitigate the impact of civil conflict on acute child malnutrition in Yemen?: Evidence from the national social protection monitoring survey

Hunger and acute child malnutrition are increasingly concentrated in fragile countries and civil conflict zones. According to the United Nations, Yemen’s civil war has caused the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in recent history. We use high-frequency panel data and district fixed-effects and household fixed-effects models to estimate the impact of civil conflict on child nutrition. Our results indicate that an increase by one standard deviation in civil conflict intensity translates into an increase in the prevalence of acute child malnutrition by at least 0.7 percentage points if measured by weight-for-height z-scores and by at least 1.7 percentage points if measured by mid-upper arm circumference z-scores. In mid-December 2018, Yemen’s main warring parties agreed to a ceasefire for the contested port city of Hodeida and to allow humanitarian aid to be shipped in and distributed through protected corridors. While the recent agreements are an important, first step to tackle the humanitarian crisis, the road to a sustainable peace agreement will certainly be long and bumpy. Relative stability could soon open a window of opportunity for targeted interventions to support recovery in Yemen. Against this background, our analysis suggests that unconditional cash transfers can be an effective tool in situations of complex emergencies. Our estimation results show that cash transfers can mitigate the detrimental impact of lingering civil conflict on child nutritional status in Yemen on a large scale. Our results also reveal that the regularity of transfer payments influence the magnitude of the mitigation effect, as regular assistance allows beneficiary households to smoothen their food consumption and other demands influencing child nutrition outcomes.

Year published



Ecker, Olivier; Maystadt, Jean-François; Guo, Zhe


Ecker, Olivier; Maystadt, Jean-François; and Guo, Zhe. 2019. Can unconditional cash transfers mitigate the impact of civil conflict on acute child malnutrition in Yemen?: Evidence from the national social protection monitoring survey. MENA RP Working Paper 17. Washington, DC and Cairo, Egypt: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Middle East; Asia; Western Asia; Development Aid; Child Nutrition; Malnutrition; Children; Civil Conflict; Cash Transfers; Conflicts; Food Insecurity; Armed Conflicts




Open Access


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Working Paper

Journal Article

From small farms to big cities: Leveraging food systems and rural-urban linkages for ending hunger and malnutrition

2018Vos, Rob


From small farms to big cities: Leveraging food systems and rural-urban linkages for ending hunger and malnutrition

Two 2017 IFPRI and FAO reports suggest that strengthening food supply chains can immensely contribute to ending malnutrition and reducing poverty. Our author explains the complex interdependencies between rural and urban regions.

Year published



Vos, Rob


Vos, Rob. 2018. From small farms to big cities: leveraging food systems and rural-urban linkages for ending hunger and malnutrition. Rural 21 52(4): 10-13.


Rural Urban Relations; Supply Chains; Rural-urban Food Supply Chains; Urban Areas; Urbanization; Hunger; Malnutrition; Smallholders; Nutrition; Rural Areas; Food Systems




Open Access


Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Journal Article


Accelerators to eliminate hunger and malnutrition



Accelerators to eliminate hunger and malnutrition

Progress in eliminating hunger and malnutrition is too slow. Despite some periods of significant progress, reductions in hunger and undernutrition on a global scale have stagnated since 2000, and progress has varied widely across countries. In 2017, the number of undernourished people worldwide rose to nearly 821 million from around 804 million in 2016, and 151 million children remain stunted. At the same time, overweight, obesity, and associated noncommunicable diseases are rising faster than undernutrition is declining. Rapid urbanization, climate change, and continued conflict pose further threats to our global food system. If the world is to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030—the target year to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—it is time to pick up the pace.

Year published





Compact 2025. 2018. Accelerators to eliminate hunger and malnutrition. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.


Economic Development; Hunger; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Food Security; Poverty




Open Access


Source record

Record type



Cost study of the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 years of age approach in Burundi and Guatemala

2018Richter, Susan; Iruhiriye, Elyse; Heckert, Jessica; Sununtnasuk, Celeste; Ruel, Marie T.; Leroy, Jef L.; Olney, Deanna K.


Cost study of the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 years of age approach in Burundi and Guatemala

Cost studies were conducted in conjunction with the impact evaluations of these two PM2A (Preventing Malnutrition in Children under 2 Approach) programs to provide information on the total cost of the programs and estimate the cost of alternative versions of the programs. Providing cost-related information along with the benefits of alternative program versions can be useful for informing future programming activities. It is important to note that the cost analysis took into account the full scope of each program and not just the program costs related to the communities where the impact evaluations were conducted.

Year published



Richter, Susan; Iruhiriye, Elyse; Heckert, Jessica; Sununtnasuk, Celeste; Ruel, Marie T.; Leroy, Jef L.; Olney, Deanna K.


Richter, Susan; Iruhiriye, Elyse; Heckert, Jessica; Sununtnasuk, Celeste; Ruel, Marie T.; Leroy, Jef L.; and Olney, Deanna K. 2018. Cost study of the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 years of age approach in Burundi and Guatemala. Washington, DC: FHI 360/FANTA.


Burundi; Guatemala


Central America; Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Northern America; Latin America; Middle Africa; Eastern Africa; Food Supplements; Child Nutrition; Health; Health Policies; Stunting; Food Rationing; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Health Services; Procomida; Maternal Nutrition; Cost Analysis; Project Evaluation; Behavioural Responses




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Strengthening and evaluating the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 years of age approach: Guatemala follow-up report

2018Heckert, Jessica; Leroy, Jef L.; Bliznashka, Lilia; Olney, Deanna K.; Richter, Susan


Strengthening and evaluating the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 years of age approach: Guatemala follow-up report

This report presents the findings from the impact evaluation of Programa Comunitario Materno Infantil de DiversificaciĂłn Alimentaria (PROCOMIDA) (Community Maternal and Child Food Diversification Program), a Preventing Malnutrition in Children under Two Years of Age (PM2A) program that was implemented in Alta Verapaz region, Guatemala, from 2011 to 2015. The report assesses the impact of PROCOMIDA on mothers and their children at key time points from early gestation until the child reached 24 months old.

Year published



Heckert, Jessica; Leroy, Jef L.; Bliznashka, Lilia; Olney, Deanna K.; Richter, Susan


Heckert, Jessica; Leroy, Jef L.; Bliznashka, Lilia; Olney, Deanna K.; and Richter, Susan. 2018. Strengthening and evaluating the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 years of age approach: Guatemala follow-up report. Washington, DC: FHI 360/FANTA.




Central America; Northern America; Latin America; Food Supplements; Child Nutrition; Health; Health Policies; Stunting; Food Rationing; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Health Services; Procomida; Maternal Nutrition; Project Evaluation; Behavioural Responses; Impact Assessment




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type


Book Chapter

SDG 2.1 and SDG 2.2: Why open, transparent, and equitable trade is essential to ending hunger and malnutrition sustainably

2018Fan, Shenggen; DĂ­az-Bonilla, Eugenio; Cho, Emily EunYoung; Rue, Christopher


SDG 2.1 and SDG 2.2: Why open, transparent, and equitable trade is essential to ending hunger and malnutrition sustainably

During the past years there have been several noteworthy global pledges on eliminating hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition, and moving to environmentally sustainable patterns of production and consumption of food and agricultural goods. These pledges include the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in December 2015, followed by the entry into force of the historic Paris Agreement on climate change in November 2016, and the incremental advances at the World Trade Organization (WTO) during the 9th and 10th ministerial conferences in Bali in 2013 and in Nairobi in 2015, all of which represented important steps towards building a more supportive international system for the attainment of those objectives. However, as the limited results from the 11th Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires in December 2017 suggest, much remains to be done for humanity to be able to achieve the SDGs by 2030. This paper will briefly consider the importance of trade in achieving the SDGs and transforming food systems. The paper also highlights some key policies that are critical to achieving these goals.

Year published



Fan, Shenggen; DĂ­az-Bonilla, Eugenio; Cho, Emily EunYoung; Rue, Christopher


Fan, Shenggen; DĂ­az-Bonilla, Eugenio; Cho, Emily EunYoung; and Rue, Christopher. 2018. SDG 2.1 and SDG 2.2: Why open, transparent, and equitable trade is essential to ending hunger and malnutrition sustainably. In Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2: Which Policies for Trade and Markets?, eds. Jonathan Hepburn and Christophe Bellmann. Chapter 1. Pp. 17-28.


Sustainable Development Goals; Sustainability; Agriculture; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Trade Policies; Trade; Food Security; Food Systems




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0


Source record

Record type

Book Chapter

Journal Article

Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Quantitative evidence from the Nigeria demographic and health surveys

2018Amare, Mulubrhan; Benson, Todd; Fadare, Olusegun; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo


Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Quantitative evidence from the Nigeria demographic and health surveys

Close to half of all children younger than 5 years in the Northeast and Northwest geopolitical zones were estimated to be stunted in their growth for their age in 2013 compared to 22% of children in the rest of Nigeria.We examine the drivers of chronic child undernutrition in northern Nigeria and how those drivers differ from other areas of the country.Both a standard child-level regression-based approach and decomposition analysis were used to address the determinants of stunting and decompose how drivers differ between northern Nigeria and other areas of the country using 2008 and 2013 Nigeria DHS data.There are strong differences in the levels of the determinants of undernutrition in young children between the 2 parts of the country. However, equally important, the decomposition analysis shows that there are significant differences between northern Nigeria and other areas of Nigeria in the effect of the same determinant of nutritional status in accelerating or retarding the linear growth of young children.A national program to address child undernutrition must recognize this heterogeneity in its design. To impose across Nigeria, a single set of approaches to address the factors which results in stunted children is likely to fail for large numbers of children if these strong geographical differences in how these determinants operate to affect child nutritional status are not considered. Solutions need to be developed within northern Nigeria to more closely reflect the way the determinants of nutritional status operate in this area of the country.

Year published



Amare, Mulubrhan; Benson, Todd; Fadare, Olusegun; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo


Amare, Mulubrhan; Benson, Todd; Fadare, Olusegun; and Oyeyemi, Motunrayo. 2018. Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Quantitative evidence from the Nigeria demographic and health surveys. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 39(2) : 296-314.




Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Western Africa; Child Nutrition; Child Development; Surveys; Nutrition Policies; Stunting; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Econometrics; Demography




Limited Access


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Journal Article

Opinion Piece

Seven African countries show how the battle against malnutrition can be won

2017Hendriks, Sheryl L.; Glatzel, Katrin; Badiane, Ousmane


Seven African countries show how the battle against malnutrition can be won

A number of African countries are taking bold action to tackle malnutrition. They have successfully implemented a range of actions that have started to improve nutrition for all.

Year published



Hendriks, Sheryl L.; Glatzel, Katrin; Badiane, Ousmane


Hendriks, Sheryl L.; Glatzel, Katrin; and Badiane, Ousmane. 2017. Seven African countries show how the battle against malnutrition can be won. The Conversation: October 26, 2017.


Trace Element Deficiencies; Nutrition Policies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Overweight




Open AccessCC-BY-ND-4.0


Source record

Record type

Opinion Piece


Synopsis: Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Quantitative evidence from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys

2017Amare, Mulubrhan; Benson, Todd; Fadare, Olusegun; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo


Synopsis: Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Quantitative evidence from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys

To better understand the drivers of chronic child undernutrition in northern Nigeria and how those drivers differ from those in other areas of the country, an econometric analysis was done of data from the 2008 and 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys (NDHS). The analyses focused on children aged 6 to 23 months.

Year published



Amare, Mulubrhan; Benson, Todd; Fadare, Olusegun; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo


Amare, Mulubrhan; Benson, Todd; Fadare, Olusegun; and Oyeyemi, Motunrayo. 2017. Synopsis: Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Quantitative evidence from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys. NSSP Policy Note 44. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Child Nutrition; Undernutrition; Nutrition Policies; Malnutrition; Econometrics; Health Surveys; Child Stunting




Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type


Working Paper

Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Qualitative evidence from Kebbi and Bauchi states

2017Benson, Todd; Amare, Mulubrhan; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo; Fadare, Olusegun


Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Qualitative evidence from Kebbi and Bauchi states

The burden in northern Nigeria of chronic malnutrition, particularly undernutrition, is among the heaviest globally. Close to half of all under-fives in the Northeast and Northwest geopolitical zones were estimated to be stunted in their growth for their age in 2013, compared to 22 percent in the rest of Nigeria. To inform discussions on future programming to address drivers of undernutrition, a rapid scoping study of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria was conducted. This report presents findings drawn from interviews with key informants and focus group discussions in Kebbi and Bauchi states and in Abuja conducted in April and May 2017.

Year published



Benson, Todd; Amare, Mulubrhan; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo; Fadare, Olusegun


Benson, Todd; Amare, Mulubrhan; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo; and Fadare, Olusegun. 2017. Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Qualitative evidence from Kebbi and Bauchi states. NSSP Working Paper 44. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Gender; Child Nutrition; Nutrition Policies; Nutrition Education; Malnutrition; Food Security; Maternal Nutrition




Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Working Paper

Book Chapter

Smallholders and urbanization: Strengthening rural-urban linkages to end hunger and malnutrition

2017da Silva, José Graziano; Fan, Shenggen


Smallholders and urbanization: Strengthening rural-urban linkages to end hunger and malnutrition

Rural-urban linkages—including physical, economic, social, and political connections—are crucial for ending hunger and malnutrition (SDG 2) sustainably in both rural and urban areas. Rural-urban linkages also support other Sustainable Development Goals. Urban growth increases food demand and spurs dietary changes in urban areas—new demand can create opportunities for rural producers to improve their livelihoods. Broken value chains and poor coordination weaken rural-urban links and hold back progress on food security and nutrition. Investment in rural infrastructure and intermediate towns—quality rural and feeder roads, electricity, storage facilities, communications and information—can build connections and create hubs of economic activity benefiting smallholders and cities.

Year published



da Silva, José Graziano; Fan, Shenggen


Graziano da Silva, José; and Fan, Shenggen. 2017. Smallholders and urbanization: Strengthening rural-urban linkages to end hunger and malnutrition. In 2017 Global Food Policy Report. Chapter 2. Pp 14-23. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


Value Chains; Rural Urban Relations; Education; Supply Chains; Natural Resources; Public Investment; Policies; Urban Areas; Urbanization; Sustainability; Hunger; Malnutrition; Infrastructure; Urban Development; Food Security; Access to Information; Rural Areas; Resilience




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Book Chapter


Synopsis: Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Qualitative evidence from Kebbi and Bauchi states

2017Benson, Todd; Amare, Mulubrhan; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo; Fadare, Olusegun


Synopsis: Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Qualitative evidence from Kebbi and Bauchi states

To inform discussions on future programming to improve child nutrition, a rapid scoping study of the drivers of undernutrition in northern Nigeria was conducted. This report presents insights obtained from almost 70 key informants interviews and focus group discussions conducted in April and May 2017 in Kebbi and Bauchi states and in Abuja (Figure 1). The participants in these interviews and discussions included mothers and fathers of young children, community civic and religious leaders, local medical and public health officers, state-level officials from government and non-governmental organizations (NGO), experts on human nutrition, and national-level government and NGO officials.

Year published



Benson, Todd; Amare, Mulubrhan; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo; Fadare, Olusegun


Benson, Todd; Amare, Mulubrhan; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo; and Fadare, Olusegun. 2017. Synopsis: Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Qualitative evidence from Kebbi and Bauchi states. NSSP Policy Note 43. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Gender; Child Nutrition; Nutrition Policies; Nutrition Education; Malnutrition; Food Security; Maternal Nutrition




Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type



Nourished: How Africa can build a future free from hunger and malnutrition

2017Malabo Montpellier Panel; Hendriks, Sheryl L.; Arnold, Tom; Conway, Gordon; Caron, Patrick; Nkombo, Nachilala; Tumusiime, Rhoda Peace; Glatzel, Katrin; Tankari, Mahamadou Roufahi


Nourished: How Africa can build a future free from hunger and malnutrition

The main objective of this report is to identify interventions that work and recommend options for policies and programs to eliminate hunger and malnutrition in all its forms. The report begins with a review of the African and global policy agenda, setting out the challenges and complexity of addressing all forms of malnutrition in Africa. It then offers an overview of successful interventions and innovative approaches that have been implemented in some countries and discusses critical threats—climate change and conflicts—that jeopardize progress on reducing malnutrition. Lastly, the report reviews the experiences of seven African countries that have been particularly successful in reducing malnutrition levels and draws some important lessons for other countries.

Year published



Malabo Montpellier Panel; Hendriks, Sheryl L.; Arnold, Tom; Conway, Gordon; Caron, Patrick; Nkombo, Nachilala; Tumusiime, Rhoda Peace; Glatzel, Katrin; Tankari, Mahamadou Roufahi


Malabo Montpellier Panel. 2017. Nourished: How Africa can build a future free from hunger and malnutrition. Dakar, Senegal: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Malabo Montpellier Panel.


Cameroon; Angola; Togo; Rwanda; Ghana; Senegal; South Africa; Ethiopia


Eastern Africa; Middle Africa; Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Southern Africa; Gender; Child Nutrition; Economic Growth; Policies; Agricultural Policies; Agricultural Research; Development Policies; Agriculture; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Famine; Food Security; Conflicts; Poverty; Diet; Climate Change




Source record

Record type


Journal Article

Unconditional cash transfers do not prevent children’s undernutrition in the Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM’Out) cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural Burkina Faso

2017Houngbe, Freddy; Tonguet-Papucci, Audrey; Altare, Chiara; Aït-Aïssa, Myriam; Huneau, Jean-François; Huybregts, Lieven; Kolsteren, Patrick


Unconditional cash transfers do not prevent children’s undernutrition in the Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM’Out) cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural Burkina Faso

Year published



Houngbe, Freddy; Tonguet-Papucci, Audrey; Altare, Chiara; Aït-Aïssa, Myriam; Huneau, Jean-François; Huybregts, Lieven; Kolsteren, Patrick


Houngbe, Freddy; Tonguet-Papucci, Audrey; Altare, Chiara; Aït-Aïssa, Myriam; Huneau, Jean-François; Huybregts, Lieven; and Kolsteren, Patrick. 2017. Unconditional cash transfers do not prevent children’s undernutrition in the Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM’Out) cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural Burkina Faso. Journal of Nutrition 147(7): 1410-1417.


Burkina Faso


Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Nutritional Status; Nutrient Intake; Social Protection; Randomized Controlled Trial; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children; Cash Transfers; Diet; Morbidity




Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Item

Reducing malnutrition through education actions

2017Alderman, Harold


Reducing malnutrition through education actions

Year published



Alderman, Harold


Alderman, Harold. 2017. Reducing malnutrition through education actions. Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia 24(1): 44.;dn=160087247085917;res=IELAPA


Education; Child Nutrition; Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture; Child Development; Health; Malnutrition; Nutrition




Source record

Record type

Journal Item

Working Paper

Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Quantitative evidence from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys

2017Amare, Mulubrhan; Benson, Todd; Fadare, Olusegun; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo


Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Quantitative evidence from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys

To better understand the drivers of chronic child undernutrition in northern Nigeria and how those drivers differ from other areas of the country, this paper presents the results of an econometric analysis of data from the 2008 and 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys. A standard child-level regression based approach is used for the first part of the analysis using as the dependent variable whether the child aged 6 to 23 months is stunted (height-for-age z-score (HAZ) < -2.0). Separate models of the drivers of child stunting are developed for northern Nigeria (Northwest and Northeast geopolitical zones) in 2008 and in 2013 and for other areas of Nigeria in 2013. The analysis then is extended by comparing the model for northern Nigeria in 2013 to other areas of Nigeria in 2013 to decompose differences between the models. This was done to gain understanding on how the determinants of child stunting in children aged 6 to 23 months differ between the two areas to better understand how well successful approaches used elsewhere in Nigeria to reduce child stunting might work in northern Nigeria.

Year published



Amare, Mulubrhan; Benson, Todd; Fadare, Olusegun; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo


Amare, Mulubrhan; Benson, Todd; Fadare, Olusegun; and Oyeyemi, Motunrayo. 2017. Study of the determinants of chronic malnutrition in northern Nigeria: Quantitative evidence from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys. NSSP Working Paper 45. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Child Nutrition; Undernutrition; Nutrition Policies; Malnutrition; Econometrics; Health Surveys; Child Stunting




Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Working Paper

Journal Article

The impact of integrated prevention and treatment on child malnutrition and health: The PROMIS project, a randomized control trial in Burkina Faso and Mali

2017Huybregts, Lieven; Becquey, Elodie; Zongrone, Amanda; Le Port, Agnès; Khassanova, Regina; Coulibaly, Lazare; Leroy, Jef L.; Rawat, Rahul; Ruel, Marie T.


The impact of integrated prevention and treatment on child malnutrition and health: The PROMIS project, a randomized control trial in Burkina Faso and Mali

Background Evidence suggests that both preventive and curative nutrition interventions are needed to tackle child acute malnutrition (AM) in developing countries. In addition to reducing the incidence of AM, providing preventive interventions may also help increase attendance (and coverage) of AM screening, a major constraint in the community-based management of child acute malnutrition (CMAM) model. There is a paucity of evidence-based strategies to deliver integrated preventive and curative interventions effectively and affordably at scale. The aim of the Innovative Approaches for the Prevention of Childhood Malnutrition (PROMIS) study is to assess the feasibility, quality of implementation, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an integrated child malnutrition prevention and treatment intervention package implemented through a community-based platform in Mali and a facility-based platform in Burkina Faso. Methods/Design The PROMIS intervention entails a comprehensive preventive package offered on a monthly basis to caregivers of children, while children are screened for acute malnutrition (AM). The package consists of behavior change communication on essential nutrition and hygiene actions, and monthly preventive doses of small quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) for children aged 6 to 23.9 months. Positive AM cases are referred to treatment services offered by first-line health services according to the CMAM model. The PROMIS intervention will be evaluated using a mixed methods approach. The impact study encompasses two types of study design: i) repeated cross-sectional surveys conducted at baseline and at endline after 24 months of program implementation and ii) a longitudinal study with a monthly follow-up for 18 months. Primary study impact measures include the incidence and endpoint prevalence of AM, AM screening coverage and treatment compliance. A process evaluation will assess the feasibility and quality of implementation of the intervention guided by country specific program impact pathways (PIPs). Cost-effectiveness analysis will assess the economic feasibility of the intervention. Discussion The PROMIS study assesses the effectiveness of an innovative model to integrate prevention and treatment interventions for greater and more sustainable impacts on the incidence and prevalence of AM using a rigorous, theory-based randomized control trial approach. This type of programmatic research is urgently needed to help program implementers, policy makers, and investors prioritize, select and scale-up the best program models to prevent and treat AM and achieve the World Health Assembly goal of reducing childhood wasting to less than 5% globally by the year 2025.

Year published



Huybregts, Lieven; Becquey, Elodie; Zongrone, Amanda; Le Port, Agnès; Khassanova, Regina; Coulibaly, Lazare; Leroy, Jef L.; Rawat, Rahul; Ruel, Marie T.


Huybregts, Lieven; Becquey, Elodie; Zongrone, Amanda; Le Port, Agnès; Khassanova, Regina; Coulibaly, Lazare; Leroy, Jef L.; Rawat, Rahul; and Ruel, Marie T. 2017. The impact of integrated prevention and treatment on child malnutrition and health: The PROMIS project, a randomized control trial in Burkina Faso and Mali. BMC Public Health 17 (1): 237.


Burkina Faso; Mali


Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Lipids; Economic Analysis; Child Nutrition; Nutritional Disorders; Capacity Development; Nutrients; Malnutrition; Supplements; Children; Developing Countries; Wasting Disease (nutritional Disorder); Behaviour; Diet; Cost Analysis




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Book Chapter

Inequality, hunger, and malnutrition: Power matters

2017Hossain, Naomi


Inequality, hunger, and malnutrition: Power matters

The uneven distribution of hunger and nutrition reflects the unequal distribution of power in the food system. In its hourglass shape, the power at the center amplifies poverty and marginalization at both ends of the system: at one end, small-scale farmers and low-paid food producers suffer hardship; at the other end, those excluded from or adversely incorporated into globalized food markets face hunger and malnutrition. Transnational corporations’ growing control over what we eat—which often deepens existing inequalities—has generated a wide range of spaces and forms of resistance. Power analysis encourages us to look beyond the obvious and the measurable, to trace the effects of interests operating at multiple levels of the food system, to find opportunities where and when they arise, and to enter spaces where that power can be challenged, resisted, and redistributed. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals’ aim of “leaving no one behind” demands approaches to hunger and malnutrition that are both more sensitive to their uneven distribution and more attuned to the power inequalities that amplify the effects of poverty and marginalization in all forms of malnutrition.

Year published



Hossain, Naomi


Hossain, Naomi. 2017. Inequality, hunger, and malnutrition: Power matters. In 2017 Global Hunger Index: The inequalities of hunger. Chapter 3 Pp 24-29. Washington, D.C.; Bonn; and Dublin: International Food Policy Research Institute, Welthungerhilfe, and Concern Worldwide.


Income; Gender; Food Production; Food Wastes; Sustainable Development Goals; Economic Development; Food Sovereignty; Health; Food Policies; Nutrition Policies; Agricultural Policies; Hunger; Socioeconomic Environment; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Famine; Poverty; Equality; Obesity; Food Systems; Women; Armed Conflicts




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0

Record type

Book Chapter


GHI: A decade of promoting action against hunger and malnutrition

2016International Food Policy Research Institute


GHI: A decade of promoting action against hunger and malnutrition

2016 will mark 11 years of the Global Hunger Index (GHI). For more than a decade, the GHI has contributed to increasing accountability to improving hunger and malnutrition at the global, regional, and national levels. Moreover, the annual GHI reports have been providing thought-provoking information on hunger and undernutrition that call all stakeholders to continued action against these complex challenges. Many country governments draw from the GHI to bring attention to the prevalence of hunger and malnutrition and, more importantly, to compel policymakers, sector leaders, and other stakeholders to work together in these issues.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2016. GHI: A decade of promoting action against hunger and malnutrition. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).






Open Access


Source record

Record type


Working Paper

Child malnutrition in Nigeria: Evidence from Kwara State

2016Kuku-Shittu, Oluyemisi; Onabanjo, Oluseye; Fadare, Olusegun; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo


Child malnutrition in Nigeria: Evidence from Kwara State

Poverty and a lack of awareness seem to be at the heart of the problem of childhood malnutrition in Nigeria. Until the socioeconomic status of the vast majority of Nigerians improves significantly, malnutrition will continue to pose a serious threat to the growth and development of Nigerian children and the future of national development. Significant variations exist in the level of child and maternal malnutrition across rural/urban settings, geopolitical zones, and agro-ecological bands in Nigeria. Malnutrition rates are higher among rural households who depend more on agriculture than on other sectors for their livelihoods. A range of socioeconomic, demographic, and public health related factors work together to influence maternal and child nutrition outcomes among rural and urban dwellers across the geopolitical zones and agro-ecological zones in Nigeria.

Year published



Kuku-Shittu, Oluyemisi; Onabanjo, Oluseye; Fadare, Olusegun; Oyeyemi, Motunrayo


Kuku-Shittu, Oluyemisi; Onabanjo, Oluseye; Fadare, Olusegun; and Oyeyemi, Motunrayo. 2016. Child malnutrition in Nigeria: Evidence from Kwara State. NSSP Working Paper 33. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Food Storage; Surveys; Nutrition Policies; Socioeconomic Environment; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children; Food Security; Food Consumption; Poverty; Diet; Rural Areas; Public Health




Open Access


Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Working Paper

Working Paper

Malnutrition: Future challenges and lessons from the past

2016Alderman, Harold; Sahn, David E.


Malnutrition: Future challenges and lessons from the past

Year published



Alderman, Harold; Sahn, David E.


Alderman, Harold; and Sahn, David E. 2016. Malnutrition: Future challenges and lessons from the past. Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program Working Paper No 254.


Stunting; Malnutrition; Children




Source record

Record type

Working Paper

Book Chapter

Malnutrition's new frontier: The challenge of obesity

2016Hodge, Judith; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn; Ochoa-Avilés, Angélica


Malnutrition's new frontier: The challenge of obesity

OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY prevalence has increased substantially over the past decades, affecting 2.1 billion people worldwide and causing 3.4 million deaths globally.1 Currently, 42 million children are overweight or obese—the result of a staggering 47.1 percent rise in prevalence between 1980 and 2013.2 No longer exclusive to affluent societies, obesity has reached alarmingly high levels in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).3 In fact, the number of individuals who are overweight or obese (1.9 billion) has now surpassed the 794 million people who do not get enough calories.4 Nearly half of all overweight children under 5 years of age now live in Asia, and a further 25 percent are found in Africa.

Year published



Hodge, Judith; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn; Ochoa-Avilés, Angélica


Hodge, Judith; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn; and Ochoa-Avilés, Angélica. 2016. Malnutrition's new frontier: The challenge of obesity. In Nourishing millions: Stories of change in nutrition. Gillespie, Stuart; Hodge, Judith; Yosef, Sivan; and Pandya-Lorch, Rajul (Eds.) Ch. 9 Pp. 81-88. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


Maternal and Child Health; Education; Infants; Health; Nutrition Policies; Agricultural Policies; Agricultural Research; Social Protection; Water; Stunting; Agriculture; Micronutrient Deficiencies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Trace Elements; Infant Feeding; Developing Countries; Children; Hygiene; Social Safety Nets; Resilience; Obesity; Wasting Disease




Open Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Addressing a neglected problem: Community-based management of acute malnutrition

2016Hodge, Judith; White, Jessica


Addressing a neglected problem: Community-based management of acute malnutrition

SEVERE ACUTE MALNUTRITION (SAM)—extremely low weight for one’s height—is a life-threatening condition affecting mostly children under five years of age. It is caused by a combination of infection, such as diarrheal disease, and poor diets that are inadequate for nutritional needs. SAM is one of the top three nutrition-related causes of death in children under five according to the 2008 Maternal and Child Nutrition Lancet Series. A child with SAM is 11 times more likely to die than a well-nourished child. Despite the size of the problem, until the early 2000s SAM appeared to be a so-called neglected disease: little support went to large-scale treatment programs targeted toward children with SAM. Few countries-even among those with a high preva-lence of malnutrition-had a clear national pol-icy for detecting and treating SAM children.10 The development and adoption of a new approach-the community-based management of acute malnutri-tion (CMAM)-was to change the public health nutrition landscape by bringing treatment out of hospitals and into the community

Year published



Hodge, Judith; White, Jessica


Hodge, Judith and White, Jessica. 2016. Addressing a neglected problem: Community-based management of acute malnutrition. In Nourishing millions: Stories of change in nutrition. Gillespie, Stuart; Hodge, Judith; Yosef, Sivan; and Pandya-Lorch, Rajul (Eds.) Ch. 5 Pp. 45-54. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


Maternal and Child Health; Education; Infants; Health; Nutrition Policies; Agricultural Policies; Agricultural Research; Social Protection; Water; Stunting; Agriculture; Micronutrient Deficiencies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Trace Elements; Infant Feeding; Developing Countries; Children; Hygiene; Social Safety Nets; Resilience; Obesity; Wasting Disease




Open Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

How nutrition improves: Half a century of understanding and responding to the problem of malnutrition

2016Gillespie, Stuart; Harris, Jody


How nutrition improves: Half a century of understanding and responding to the problem of malnutrition

This book is an attempt to meet for narratives of what has worked well by combining a review of various analyses and studies with a narrative approach to convey the drivers and pathways of success in nutrition in different contexts and at different times. It seeks to inspire as well as to inform. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on the potential of narrative and storytelling to inspire and promote change.4 Stories can turn the key in ways that help the reader intuitively grasp why change is needed, what it involves, how it happens, and—crucially—how it can be made to happen. Stories enable listeners to extrapolate from case studies and to see analogies with their own backgrounds, their own contexts, and their own fields of expertise. Research has shown that stories catalyze change because they are natural and easy to tell, they show connections between things, and they cut through complexity. They are memorable, non-adversarial, non-hierarchical

Year published



Gillespie, Stuart; Harris, Jody


Gillespie, Stuart and Harris, Jody. 2016. How nutrition improves: Half a century of understanding and responding to the problem of malnutrition. In Nourishing millions: Stories of change in nutrition. Gillespie, Stuart; Hodge, Judith; Yosef, Sivan; and Pandya-Lorch, Rajul (Eds.) Ch. 1 Pp. 1-13. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


Maternal and Child Health; Education; Infants; Health; Nutrition Policies; Agricultural Policies; Agricultural Research; Social Protection; Water; Stunting; Agriculture; Micronutrient Deficiencies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Trace Elements; Infant Feeding; Developing Countries; Children; Hygiene; Social Safety Nets; Resilience; Obesity; Wasting Disease




Open Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

The new challenge: End all forms of malnutrition by 2030

2016International Food Policy Research Institute


The new challenge: End all forms of malnutrition by 2030

It is a formidable challenge. Every country is facing a serious public health challenge from malnutrition (IFPRI 2014). One in three people is malnourished in one form or another (IFPRI 2015a). Malnutrition manifests itself in many forms: as children who do not grow and develop to their full potential, as people who are skin-and-bone or prone to infection, as people who carry too much weight or whose blood contains too much sugar, salt, or cholesterol.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2016. The new challenge: End all forms of malnutrition by 2030. In Global Nutrition Report 2016: From Promise to Impact: Ending Malnutrition by 2030. Chapter 1. Pp. 1-13. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


Wasting; Hiv Infections; Gender; Sustainable Development Goals; Economic Development; Non-communicable Diseases; Agricultural Policies; Stunting; Trace Elements; Children; Poverty; Morbidity; Overweight; Obesity; Climate Change; Child Growth; Anaemia; Undernutrition; Nutrition Policies; Health; Indicators; Sustainability; Capacity Development; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Private Sector; Agricultural Development; Breastfeeding; Public Expenditure; Diabetes; Food Systems; Wasting Disease




Open Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter


Global Nutrition Report 2016: From Promise to Impact: Ending Malnutrition by 2030


International Food Policy Research Institute; Haddad, Lawrence; Hawkes, Corrina; Udomkesmalee, Emom; Achadi, Endang; Bendech, Mohamed Ag; Ahuja, Arti; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; De-Regil, Luzmaria; Fanzo, Jessica

Fracassi, Patrizia; Grummer-Strawn, Laurence M.; Kimani, Elizabeth; Martin-Prével, Yves; Menon, Purnima; Koukoubou, Eunice Nago; Nugent, Rachel; Oenema, Stineke; Randel, Judith; Requejo, Jennifer; Slaymaker, Tom; Swinburn, Boyd; Flores-Ayala, Rafael; Bhatia, Komal; Eriksen, Kamilla; Ledlie, Natasha; Lofthouse, Josephine; Shyam, Tara


Global Nutrition Report 2016: From Promise to Impact: Ending Malnutrition by 2030

Few challenges facing the global community today match the scale of malnutrition, a condition that directly affects 1 in 3 people. Malnutrition manifests itself in many different ways: as poor child growth and development; as individuals who are skin and bone or prone to infection; as those who are carrying too much weight or whose blood contains too much sugar, salt, fat, or cholesterol; or those who are deficient in important vitamins or minerals. Malnutrition and diet are by far the biggest risk factors for the global burden of disease: every country is facing a serious public health challenge from malnutrition. The economic consequences represent losses of 11 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) every year in Africa and Asia, whereas preventing malnutrion delivers $16 in returns on investment for every $1 spent. The world’s countries have agreed on targets for nutrition, but despite some progress in recent years the world is off track to reach those targets. This third stocktaking of the state of the world’s nutrition points to ways to reverse this trend and end all forms of malnutrition by 2030.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute; Haddad, Lawrence; Hawkes, Corrina; Udomkesmalee, Emom; Achadi, Endang; Bendech, Mohamed Ag; Ahuja, Arti; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; De-Regil, Luzmaria; Fanzo, Jessica; Fracassi, Patrizia; Grummer-Strawn, Laurence M.; Kimani, Elizabeth; Martin-Prével, Yves; Menon, Purnima; Koukoubou, Eunice Nago; Nugent, Rachel; Oenema, Stineke; Randel, Judith; Requejo, Jennifer; Slaymaker, Tom; Swinburn, Boyd; Flores-Ayala, Rafael; Bhatia, Komal; Eriksen, Kamilla; Ledlie, Natasha; Lofthouse, Josephine; Shyam, Tara


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2016. Global Nutrition Report 2016: From Promise to Impact: Ending Malnutrition by 2030. Washington, D.C.


Nutrition; Nutrition Policies; Anaemia; Stunting; Trace Elements; Health; Climate Change; Agricultural Policies; Agricultural Development; Economic Development; Food Systems; Sustainability; Capacity Building; Children; Public Expenditure




Open Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Malnutrition and climate patterns in the ASALs of Kenya: A resilience analysis based on a pseudo-panel dataset

2016Signorelli, Sara; Azzarri, Carlo; Roberts, Cleophelia


Malnutrition and climate patterns in the ASALs of Kenya: A resilience analysis based on a pseudo-panel dataset

This study showed how arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya are particularly affected by undernutrition in women and children. Despite undernutrition improving in the rest of the country, in the ASAL areas the trends appear to be negative, particularly with respect to wasting in children and women being underweight. Temperature shocks emerge as the most detrimental factor for nutrition, again especially in ASAL areas. Droughts, on the other hand, seem to play a significant role only in affecting stunting, while NDVI plays a mixed role, with some cases where more vegetation is associated with higher levels of undernutrition. Overall, the availability of a non-agricultural job within the household is positively associated with nutritional outcomes, as is women’s education, especially in ASAL counties. However, they are also associated with bigger losses in the event of temperature shocks, which raises a query on the role of non–agricultural activities in increasing resilience. Results show that expected climate change bears the potential to greatly harm the Kenyan population living in ASAL areas, and that what is currently believed to be viable solutions to increase resilience may not deliver the results promised. More investigation and research is needed to identify programming strategies to implement, which will enable populations to better cope with climate change and the associated challenges ahead.

Year published



Signorelli, Sara; Azzarri, Carlo; Roberts, Cleophelia


Signorelli, Sara; Azzarri, Carlo; Roberts, Cleophilia. 2016. Malnutrition and Climate Patterns in the ASALs of Kenya: A Resilience Analysis based on a Pseudo-panel Dataset. Report prepared by the Technical Consortium, a project of the CGIAR. Technical Report Series No. 2: Strengthening the Evidence Base for Resilience in the Horn of Africa, Report 9. Nairobi, Kenya: A joint International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) publication.




Eastern Africa; Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Shock; Climate; Stunting; Arid Zones; Hunger; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children; Drought; Food Security; Resilience; Wasting Disease; Climate Change; Child Growth




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-SA-3.0


Source record

Record type



Replication Data for "Malnutrition and Climate Patterns in the Arid and Semi-arid Lowlands of Kenya: A Resilience Analysis Based on a Pseudo-panel Dataset"

2016International Food Policy Research Institute


Replication Data for "Malnutrition and Climate Patterns in the Arid and Semi-arid Lowlands of Kenya: A Resilience Analysis Based on a Pseudo-panel Dataset"

Resilience of food security in the arid and semi-arid lowlands (ASAL) in Kenya, were assessed using repeated cross-sectional data (collected in 1993, 1998, 2003, and 2008). We measure short- and long-term food security in response to changing agro-climatic conditions, using indicators of child and woman nutritional status. Since measurements over time on the same units of analysis are not available, synthetic cohorts of individuals (children and women) having similar characteristics have been reconstructed, resulted in a pseudo-panel dataset. The dataset is used to observe resilience to agro-climatic shocks, including temperature increases, drought, and changes in vegetation cover.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


HarvestChoice, International Food Policy Research Institute. 2016. Replication data for: Malnutrition and climate patterns in the arid and semi-arid lowlands of Kenya: A resilience analysis based on a pseudo-panel dataset. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Eastern Africa; Models; Surveys; Health; Malnutrition; Nutrition




Open AccessCC0-1.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type


Opinion Piece

The Global Nutrition Report 2015: what we need to do to advance progress in addressing malnutrition in all its forms

2015Hawkes, Corinna; Haddad, Lawrence James; Udomkesmalee, Emorn; Co-Chairs of the Independent Expert Group of the Global Nutrition Report


The Global Nutrition Report 2015: what we need to do to advance progress in addressing malnutrition in all its forms

Year published



Hawkes, Corinna; Haddad, Lawrence James; Udomkesmalee, Emorn; Co-Chairs of the Independent Expert Group of the Global Nutrition Report


Hawkes, Corinna; Haddad, Lawrence James; Udomkesmalee, Emorn; and Co-Chairs of the Independent Expert Group of the Global Nutrition Report. 2015. The Global Nutrition Report 2015: what we need to do to advance progress in addressing malnutrition in all its forms. Public Health Nutrition. 18(17): 3067-3069.


Health; Nutrition




Limited Access

Record type

Opinion Piece


Improving complementary feeding through community-based management of malnutrition in Rural India

2015Murugan, Ganapathy; Gope, Rajkumar; Dhingra, Nidhi


Improving complementary feeding through community-based management of malnutrition in Rural India

A baseline survey conducted during 2012 among selected districts with extremely marginalized populations in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Odisha revealed high rates of malnutrition and poor infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices. Among 3,489 children surveyed, 60.2 percent were stunted, 55.1 percent were underweight, and 24.4 percent were wasted. Only 23.9 percent of the children age 6–36 months received appropriate feeding from diverse food groups (AAM Unpublished).

Year published



Murugan, Ganapathy; Gope, Rajkumar; Dhingra, Nidhi


Murugan, Ganapathy; Gope, Rajkumar; and Dhingra, Nidhi. 2015. Improving complementary feeding through community-based management of malnutrition in Rural India. POSHAN Implementation Note No. 14. New Delhi, India: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Southern Asia; Asia; Gender; Undernutrition; Nutrition Policies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children; Food Security; Capacity Building




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type


Journal Article

The double burden of malnutrition in SE Asia and the Pacific: priorities, policies and politics

2015Haddad, Lawrence James; Cameron, Lisa; Barnett, Inka


The double burden of malnutrition in SE Asia and the Pacific: priorities, policies and politics

Year published



Haddad, Lawrence James; Cameron, Lisa; Barnett, Inka


Haddad, Lawrence James; Cameron, Lisa; and Barnett, Inka. The double burden of malnutrition in SE Asia and the Pacific: Priorities, policies and politics. Health Policy and Planning 30(9): 1193 - 1206.


Oceania; Asia; South-eastern Asia; Policies; Malnutrition; Review; Obesity




Limited Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Book Chapter

Appendix 10: Coverage estimates of treatment for severe acute malnutrition

2015International Food Policy Research Institute


Appendix 10: Coverage estimates of treatment for severe acute malnutrition

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2015. Appendix 10: Coverage estimates of treatment for severe acute malnutrition. In Global Nutrition Report 2015: Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development. Supplementary Online Material.


Indicators; Malnutrition; Nutrition




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Tracking actions to address malnutrition in all its forms

2015International Food Policy Research Institute


Tracking actions to address malnutrition in all its forms

To hold governments and other national stakeholders accountable for their actions to improve nutrition, it is critical to track their progress in implementing interventions, programs, and policies. This chapter reviews the degree to which these stakeholders have implemented actions to reduce malnutrition in all its forms. It also reviews some of the tools available to track implementation.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2015. Tracking actions to address malnutrition in all its forms. In Global Nutrition Report 2015: Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development. Chapter 4. Pp. 39-57. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.


South America; Europe; Africa; Northern America; Asia; Economic Growth; Safety Net Programs; Sustainable Development Goals; Economic Development; Agricultural Policies; Public-private Cooperation; Stunting; Hiv Infections; Wasting Disease (nutritional Disorder); Children; Initiatives; Micronutrients; Diet; Poverty; Overweight; Obesity; Climate Change; Anaemia; Undernutrition; Implementation; Nutrition Policies; Health; Sustainability; Hunger; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Private Sector; Agricultural Development; Breastfeeding; Public Expenditure; Diabetes; Food Systems; Capacity Building




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter

Journal Article

Inconsistent diagnosis of acute malnutrition by weight-for-height and mid-upper arm circumference: Contributors in 16 cross-sectional surveys from South Sudan, the Philippines, Chad, and Bangladesh

2015Roberfroid, Dominique; Huybregts, Lieven; Lachat, Carl; Vrijens, France; Kolsteren, Patrick; Guesdon, Benjamin


Inconsistent diagnosis of acute malnutrition by weight-for-height and mid-upper arm circumference: Contributors in 16 cross-sectional surveys from South Sudan, the Philippines, Chad, and Bangladesh

The two anthropometric indicators of acute malnutrition in children under 5 years, i.e. a Mid-Upper Arm Circumference < 125 mm (MUAC125) or a Weight-for-Height Z-score<â’2 (WHZâ’2), correlate poorly. We aimed at assessing the contribution of age, sex, stunting (Height-for-Age HAZ<â’2), and low sitting-standing height ratio Z-score (SSRZ in the 1st tertile of the study population, called hereafter 'longer legs') to this diagnosis discrepancy. Data from 16 cross-sectional nutritional surveys carried out by Action Against Hunger International in South Sudan, the Philippines, Chad, and Bangladesh fed multilevel, multivariate regression models, with either WHZâ’2 or MUAC125 as the dependent variable and age, sex, stunting, and 'longer legs' as the independent ones. We also compared how the performance of MUAC125 and WHZâ’2 to detect slim children, i.e. children with a low Weight-for-Age (WAZ<â’2) but no linear growth retardation (HAZ≥â’2), was modified by the contributors. Overall 23.1 % of the 14,409 children were identified as acutely malnourished by either WHZâ’2 or MUAC125, but only 28.5 % of those (949/3,328) were identified by both indicators. Being stunted (+17.8 %; 95 % CI: 14.8 %; 22.8 %), being a female (+16.5 %; 95 % CI: 13.5 %; 19.5 %) and being younger than 24 months (+33.6 %; 95 % CI: 30.4 %; 36.7 %) were factors strongly associated with being detected as malnourished by MUAC125 and not by WHZâ’2, whereas having 'longer legs' moderately increased the diagnosis by WHZâ’2 (+4.2 %; 95 % CI: 0.7 %; 7.6 %). The sensitivity to detect slim children by MUAC125 was 31.0 % (95 % CI: 26.8 %; 35.2 %) whereas it was 70.6 % (95 % CI: 65.4 %; 75.9 %) for WHZâ’2. The sensitivity of MUAC125 was particularly affected by age (57.4 % vs. 18.1 % in children aged < 24 months vs. ≥ 24 months). Specificity was high for both indicators. MUAC125 should not be used as a stand-alone criterion of acute malnutrition given its strong association with age, sex and stunting, and its low sensitivity to detect slim children. Having 'longer legs' moderately increases the diagnosis of acute malnutrition by WHZâ’2. Prospective studies are urgently needed to elucidate the clinical and physiological outcomes of the various anthropometric indicators of malnutrition.

Year published



Roberfroid, Dominique; Huybregts, Lieven; Lachat, Carl; Vrijens, France; Kolsteren, Patrick; Guesdon, Benjamin


Roberfroid, Dominique; Huybregts, Lieven F.; Lachat, Carl; Vrijens, France; Kolsteren, Patrick; and Guesdon, Benjamin. 2015. Inconsistent diagnosis of acute malnutrition by weight-for-height and mid-upper arm circumference: Contributors in 16 cross-sectional surveys from South Sudan, the Philippines, Chad, and Bangladesh. Nutrition Journal 14:86.


Philippines; Chad; Bangladesh


South Sudan; Eastern Africa; Southern Asia; Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Asia; South-eastern Asia; Middle Africa; Anthropometry; Sex; Stunting; Length-weight Relationships; Malnutrition; Age




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

The MAM’Out project: a randomized controlled trial to assess multiannual and seasonal cash transfers for the prevention of acute malnutrition in children under 36 months in Burkina Faso

2015Tonguet-Papucci, Audrey; Huybregts, Lieven; Aït-Aïssa, Myriam; Huneau, Jean-François; Kolsteren, Patrick


The MAM’Out project: a randomized controlled trial to assess multiannual and seasonal cash transfers for the prevention of acute malnutrition in children under 36 months in Burkina Faso

Wasting is a public health issue but evidence gaps remain concerning preventive strategies not primarily based on food products. Cash transfers, as part of safety net approach, have potential to prevent under-nutrition. However, most of the cash transfer programs implemented and scientifically evaluated do not have a clear nutritional objective, which leads to a lack of evidence regarding their nutritional benefits. The MAM'Out research project aims at evaluating a seasonal and multiannual cash transfer program to prevent acute malnutrition in children under 36 months, in terms of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in the Tapoa province (Eastern region of Burkina Faso, Africa). The program is targeted to economically vulnerable households with children less than 1 year old at the time of inclusion. Cash is distributed to mothers and the transfers are unconditional, leading to beneficiaries' self-determination on the use of cash. The study is designed as a two-arm cluster randomized intervention trial, based on the randomization of rural villages. One group receives cash transfers via mobile phones and one is a control group. The main outcomes are the cumulative incidence of acute malnutrition and the cost-effectiveness. Child anthropometry (height, weight and MUAC) is followed, as well as indicators related to dietary diversity, food security, health center utilization, families' expenses, women empowerment and morbidities. 24 h-food recalls are also carried out. Individual interviews and focus group discussions allow collecting qualitative data. Finally, based on a theory framework built a priori, the pathways used by the cash to have an effect on the prevention of under-nutrition will be assessed. The design chosen will lead to a robust assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed intervention. Several challenges appeared while implementing the study and discrepancies with the research protocol, mainly due to unforeseen events, can be highlighted, such as delay in project implementation, switch to e-data collection and implementation of a supervision process., identifier: NCT01866124 , registered May 7, 2013.

Year published



Tonguet-Papucci, Audrey; Huybregts, Lieven; Aït-Aïssa, Myriam; Huneau, Jean-François; Kolsteren, Patrick


Tonguet-Papucci, Audrey; Huybregts, Lieven F.; Aït-Aïssa, Myriam; Huneau, Jean-François; and Kolsteren, Patrick. 2015. The MAM’Out project: a randomized controlled trial to assess multiannual and seasonal cash transfers for the prevention of acute malnutrition in children under 36 months in Burkina Faso. BMC Public Health 2015, 15:762.


Burkina Faso


Africa; Western Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Research Methods; Safety Nets; Malnutrition; Wasting Disease (nutritional Disorder); Children; Cash Transfers




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Book Chapter

Reaching the missing middle: Overcoming hunger and malnutrition in middle income countries

2015Fan, Shenggen; Cousin, Ertharin


Reaching the missing middle: Overcoming hunger and malnutrition in middle income countries

Eliminating hunger and malnutrition around the globe cannot be achieved without a new approach to dealing with the problem in middle income countries. Here’s why this is so, how the middle income countries should respond, and what the international community can do to help.

Year published



Fan, Shenggen; Cousin, Ertharin


Fan, Shenggen; Cousin, Ertharin. 2015. Reaching the missing middle: Overcoming hunger and malnutrition in middle income countries. In 2014-2015 Global food policy report. Chapter 2 Pp. 13-17. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.


Undernutrition; Economic Development; Nutrition Policies; Food Policies; Agricultural Policies; Hunger; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Food Security; Poverty; Obesity




Open Access


Source record

Record type

Book Chapter

Journal Article

India’s struggle against malnutrition - Is the ICDS program the answer?

2015Jain, Monica


India’s struggle against malnutrition - Is the ICDS program the answer?

Year published



Jain, Monica


Jain, Monica. 2015. India’s struggle against malnutrition—Is the ICDS program the answer? World Development 67(March 2015): 72-89.




Southern Asia; Asia; Child Development; Malnutrition




Limited Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article


The Effect of Integrated Prevention and Treatment on Child Malnutrition and Health in Mali: A Cluster Randomized Intervention Study (PROMIS-Mali)

2015Ruel, Marie T.; Rawat, Rahul; Savadogo, Abdoul Salam


The Effect of Integrated Prevention and Treatment on Child Malnutrition and Health in Mali: A Cluster Randomized Intervention Study (PROMIS-Mali)

This project will address two critical gaps related to the integration of preventive and treatment programs: 1) screening and treatment of MAM/SAM have not yet been systematically integrated into routine health-center visits or mainstreamed into community outreach programs; and 2) screening programs do not offer any preventive services for those children found not to be suffering from MAM/SAM at the time of screening; mothers of children identified as non-MAM/SAM case are usually sent home without receiving any health or nutrition inputs and as a result, may fail to come back for screening because they do not see any tangible benefit associated with their participation in the screening. This project will specifically address these gaps by assessing the effect of an integrated approach consisting of higher screening coverage and preventive Behavior Change Communication (BCC) + Small-Quantity Lipid-based Nutrient supplementation (SQ-LNS) on both prevention and treatment of child undernutrition.

Year published



Ruel, Marie T.; Rawat, Rahul; Savadogo, Abdoul Salam


Ruel, Marie T.; Rawat, Rahul; Savadogo, Abdoul Salam. 2015. The Effect of Integrated Prevention and Treatment on Child Malnutrition and Health in Mali: a Cluster Randomized Intervention Study (PROMIS-Mali). : International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Western Africa; Nutrition; Trace Elements; Children; Diet




Open Access


Source record

Record type



Seeking evidence-based policy solutions to poverty and malnutrition in Bangladesh: Highlights from the Policy Research and Strategy Support Program 2010-2014

2014Ahmed, Akhter U.


Seeking evidence-based policy solutions to poverty and malnutrition in Bangladesh: Highlights from the Policy Research and Strategy Support Program 2010-2014

Food labelling is costly. Food labelling is often demanded with the introduction of new food products such as genetically modified (GM) food. If consumers do not have trust in the label, scarce resources are wasted. This paper investigates factors affecting the trust in food labels among Ugandan consumers. The results suggest that older, less-educated individuals of smaller household sizes and with trust in government institutions have more trust in food labels. Other factors were also found to be important. The government has to consider those differences in consumer trust when designing a GM labelling policy.

Year published



Ahmed, Akhter U.


Ahmed, Akhter U. 2014. Seeking evidence-based policy solutions to poverty and malnutrition in Bangladesh: Highlights from the Policy Research and Strategy Support Program 2010-2014. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; Southern Asia; Poverty; Nutrition; Malnutrition; Food Security; Nutrition Security; Agricultural Policies; Nutrition Policies




Open Access


Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type


Book Chapter

Biofortification: A new tool to reduce micronutrient malnutrition

2014Bouis, Howarth E.; Hotz, Christine; McClafferty, Bonnie; Meenakshi, Jonnalagadda V.; Pfeiffer, Wolfgang H.


Biofortification: A new tool to reduce micronutrient malnutrition

Year published



Bouis, Howarth E.; Hotz, Christine; McClafferty, Bonnie; Meenakshi, Jonnalagadda V.; Pfeiffer, Wolfgang H.


Bouis, Howarth E.; Hotz, Christine; McClafferty, Bonnie; Meenakshi, Jonnalagadda V.; and Pfeiffer, Wolfgang H. 2014. Biofortification: A new tool to reduce micronutrient malnutrition. In Improving diets and nutrition: Food-based approaches, ed. Brian Thompson, and Leslie Amoroso. Part II. Policy and Programme Experiences. Chapter 16. Pp. 202-215. Wallingford, Oxfordshire; and Rome, Italy: CAB International; and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).


Foods; Biofortification; Less Favoured Areas; Nutrition Policies; Cost Benefit Analysis; Retinol; Micronutrient Deficiencies; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Developing Countries; Bioavailability; Iron; Diet; Zinc; Consumer Attitudes




Limited Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

The coexistence of different forms of malnutrition is the "new normal"

2014International Food Policy Research Institute


The coexistence of different forms of malnutrition is the "new normal"

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2014. The coexistence of different forms of malnutrition is the "new normal". In Global nutrition report 2014: Actions and accountability to accelerate the world's progress on nutrition. International Food Policy Research Institute. Chapter 4 Pp. 22-28. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


Gender; Data; Child Wasting; Economic Development; Agricultural Policies; Social Protection; Stunting; Measurement; Children; Diet; Social Safety Nets; Sustainable Development Goals; Birth Weight; Nutritional Status; Nutrition Security; Anaemia; Nutrition Policies; Indicators; Hunger; Sustainable Development; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Trade; Food Security; Mortality; Breastfeeding; Women; Governance




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter


The Effect of Integrated Prevention and Treatment on Child Malnutrition and Health in Burkina Faso: a Cluster Randomized Intervention Study (PROMIS-BF)

2014Ruel, Marie T.; Rawat, Rahul; Somda, Jean-Celestin


The Effect of Integrated Prevention and Treatment on Child Malnutrition and Health in Burkina Faso: a Cluster Randomized Intervention Study (PROMIS-BF)

This project will address two critical gaps related to the integration of preventive and treatment programs: 1) screening and treatment of MAM/SAM have not yet been systematically integrated into routine health-center visits or mainstreamed into community outreach programs; and 2) screening programs often do not offer any preventive services for those children found not to be suffering from MAM/SAM at the time of screening; mothers of children identified as non-MAM/SAM case are usually sent home without receiving any health or nutrition inputs and as a result, may fail to come back for screening because they do not see any tangible benefit associated with their participation in the screening. This project will specifically address these gaps by assessing the effect of an integrated approach consisting of higher screening coverage and preventive Behavior Change Communication (BCC) + Small-Quantity Lipid-based Nutrient supplementation (SQ-LNS) on both prevention and treatment of child undernutrition.

Year published



Ruel, Marie T.; Rawat, Rahul; Somda, Jean-Celestin


Ruel, Marie T.; Rawat, Rahul; Somda, Jean-Celestin. 2014. The Effect of Integrated Prevention and Treatment on Child Malnutrition and Health in Burkina Faso: a Cluster Randomized Intervention Study (PROMIS-BF). : International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.


Burkina Faso


Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Western Africa; Nutrition; Trace Elements; Children; Diet




Open Access


Source record

Record type


Book Chapter

Long term consequences of early childhood malnutrition

2014Alderman, Harold; Hoddinott, John F.; Kinsey, Bill


Long term consequences of early childhood malnutrition

Year published



Alderman, Harold; Hoddinott, John F.; Kinsey, Bill


Alderman, Harold; Hoddinott, John F.; and Kinsey, Bill. 2014. Long term consequences of early childhood malnutrition. In Food Security, Volume One – Food demand, access, and utilization, Part Three – Income, poverty, and access to food, ed. Mark W. Rosegrant. Thousand Oaks, CA, USA: SAGE Publications Ltd.


Nutrition Security; Undernutrition; Food Policies; Technology; Investment Policies; Malnutrition; Children; Food Security




Limited Access


Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Measuring coverage of programs to treat severe acute malnutrition

2014Alvarez, José Luis


Measuring coverage of programs to treat severe acute malnutrition

Year published



Alvarez, José Luis


Alvarez, José Luis. 2014. Measuring coverage of programs to treat severe acute malnutrition. In Global nutrition report 2014: Actions and accountability to accelerate the world's progress on nutrition. Supplementary Online Material. .


Nutrition Security; Child Development; Indicators; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Food Security




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Malnutrition in the United States and United Kingdom

2014Fanzo, Jessica


Malnutrition in the United States and United Kingdom

Year published



Fanzo, Jessica


Fanzo, Jessica. 2014. Malnutrition in the United States and United Kingdom. In Global nutrition report 2014: Actions and accountability to accelerate the world's progress on nutrition. Supplementary Online Material. .


United States; United Kingdom


Northern America; Northern Europe; Nutrition Security; Indicators; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Food Security




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter


The disconnect between national income and chronic malnutrition

2014Marble, Andrew; Fritschel, Heidi


The disconnect between national income and chronic malnutrition

Year published



Marble, Andrew; Fritschel, Heidi


Marble, Andrew; Fritschel, Heidi. 2014. The disconnect between national income and chronic malnutrition. In 2013 Global food policy report. Eds. Marble, Andrew; Fritschel, Heidi. p. 93.


Food Policies; Nutrition Policies; Agricultural Policies; Hunger; Food Security




Open Access


Source record

Record type


Book Chapter

Regional drivers of malnutrition in Indonesia

2014Achadi, Endang; Sumarto, Sudarno; Hidayat, Taufik


Regional drivers of malnutrition in Indonesia

Year published



Achadi, Endang; Sumarto, Sudarno; Hidayat, Taufik


Achadi, Endang; Sumarto, Sudarno; Hidayat, Taufik. 2014. Regional drivers of malnutrition in Indonesia. In Global nutrition report 2014: Actions and accountability to accelerate the world's progress on nutrition. Supplementary Online Material. .




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Nutrition Security; Indicators; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Food Security




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Book Chapter

Journal Article

Excluding the rural population: The impact of public expenditure on child malnutrition in Peru

2014Gajate-Garrido, Gissele


Excluding the rural population: The impact of public expenditure on child malnutrition in Peru

Year published



Gajate-Garrido, Gissele


Gajate-Garrido, Gissele. 2014. Excluding the rural population: The impact of public expenditure on child malnutrition in Peru. World Bank Economic Review 28(3): 525-544.




Caribbean; South America; Health; Urban Areas; Monitoring; Evaluation; Nutrition; Children; Public Expenditure; Rural Areas




Limited Access

Record type

Journal Article


Strengthening and evaluating the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 years of age approach–Burundi follow-up report: Children 0–23 months

2014Leroy, Jef L.; Heckert, Jessica; Cunningham, Kenda; Olney, Deanna K.


Strengthening and evaluating the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 years of age approach–Burundi follow-up report: Children 0–23 months

Year published



Leroy, Jef L.; Heckert, Jessica; Cunningham, Kenda; Olney, Deanna K.


Leroy, Jef L.; Heckert, Jessica; Cunningham, Kenda; and Olney, Deanna. 2014. Strengthening and evaluating the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 years of age approach–Burundi follow-up report: Children 0–23 months. Washington, DC: FHI 360/FANTA.




Middle Africa; Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Eastern Africa; Evaluation; Malnutrition; Nutrition; Children




Open Access


Source record


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type


Journal Article

The politics of reducing malnutrition: Building commitment and accelerating progress

2013Gillespie, Stuart; Haddad, Lawrence James; Mannar, Venkatesh; Menon, Purnima; Nisbett, Nicholas; the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group


The politics of reducing malnutrition: Building commitment and accelerating progress

Year published



Gillespie, Stuart; Haddad, Lawrence James; Mannar, Venkatesh; Menon, Purnima; Nisbett, Nicholas; the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group


Gillespie, Stuart; Haddad, Lawrence; Mannar, Venkatesh; Menon, Purnima; Nisbett, Nicholas; and the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group. 2013. The politics of reducing malnutrition: Building commitment and accelerating progress. The Lancet 382(9891): 552-569.


Malnutrition; Undernutrition; National Organizations; Stakeholders; Policies; Nutrition; Agriculture; Social Protection; Water; Hygiene; Maternal Nutrition; Child Nutrition; Scaling Up; Economic Growth; Resilience




Limited Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Cost-effectiveness of the community-based management of severe acute malnutrition by community health workers in southern Bangladesh

2013Puett, Chloe; Sadler, Kate; Alderman, Harold; Coates, Jennifer; Fiedler, John L.; Myatt, Mark


Cost-effectiveness of the community-based management of severe acute malnutrition by community health workers in southern Bangladesh

Year published



Puett, Chloe; Sadler, Kate; Alderman, Harold; Coates, Jennifer; Fiedler, John L.; Myatt, Mark


Puett, Chloe; Sadler, Kate; Alderman, Harold; Coates, Jennifer; Fiedler, John L. and Myatt, Mark. 2013. Cost-effectiveness of the community-based management of severe acute malnutrition by community health workers in southern Bangladesh. Health Policy and Planning 28(4): 386-399.




Southern Asia; Asia; Health Care; Labour; Malnutrition; Community Organizations; Nutrition




Limited Access


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

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